Integration as a surplus of the project is the experience of the sociomuseology school of thought and of the practices of the social museology networks in Ibero-America, articulated within the framework of the UNESCO Chair in Education, Culture and Cultural Diversity of the ULHT.
Sociomuseology has been building links between different groups that work on histories and narratives about heritage, natural and cultural, creating new ideas and creative processes in the communities and territories where they operate, which are generally spaces of tension and modernity. The creative groups and processes that sociomuseology addresses have contributed to the formation of new concepts and consolidation of knowledge in the field of heritage studies. Structured thinking about methods of work, communication and production of informational content, contribute to the dissemination of social responsibility and inclusion practices in social museology networks, which allow us to broaden our vision of methodological issues in the Ibero-American space.
Throughout the process the approach of sociomuseology will be anchored in dialogue with the production of other institutions and schools of thought that they too, result from specific societal goals and practices.
Experimental application
Construction of Digital data Museum based on 25 years of scientific and research activity of the Sociomuseology’ Departament at Lusophona Universfity
We can identify 3 major areas of work:
Documentation used by students and faculty during research for PhD thesis (25) and MSc dissertation (80). Collection: Primary sources, attachments, appendix, cartography, fotografy, audiovisual works etc.
Documentation gathered for the making of the department ‘exhibitions – Unspoken Dialogues/Post-Screen Festival 2017; Many Lives in one life 2018; 20 Years of CPLP 2017; Lisbon downtown in real Time 2013 etc. Some have between 3 and 10 GB of primary source’ collection
25 years of pedagogical and experimental activity in Sociomuseology: syllabus, models of training, territorial impacts etc.
The implementation of the Digital Data Museum will be based on collaborative processes allowing to practice and face the processes to store, access, reuse, copyrights, evaluation, products, metadata, catalogs and also to verify teoretical and pratical issues.
At the end of the process the department should have created a technological infrastructure for access to a initial body of documentation, including the necessary management procedures.
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Pedro Pereira Leite (14 de Março de 2018). Digital Curation II – Innovation Potencial. Global Heritages. Recuperado em 18 de Janeiro de 2025 de