Missive of Nazaré – KINDLED MEMORY

MINOM´s XVII International Conference

Amazon / Brazil, 2016

We, members of MINOM, present in Nazaré, Rondônia, Brazil, from August 3rd to 7th, 2016, rejecting the coups against Democracy, human rights and the rights of Nature (Pachamama, Mother Earth), considering:

  • that kindled memory constitutes a deliberate form of resistance/existence, that is, of fighting against the deletion of ways of life which don´t fit into the capitalist model and, at the same time, of affirming human values, dignity and social cohesion, placing itself as a proactive action of occupation of the present and invention of futures;
  • that in the contemporary world we observe the resurgence and multiplication of forms of violence and fascism directed against native people; against riverine, traditional and peripheral urban communities; against blacks, women, LGBTTT communities, immigrants, migrants, refugees and all who don´t match the hegemonic model;
  • that the evident breakdown and fallacy of development as the aim of societies are responsible for the destruction of ecosystems and forms of life; for a constant and forced displacement of great population masses who are forced to submit to inhuman ways of life, which equally implies the rupture of their social bonds and structures and produces fragmentations and vulnerabilities;
  • that the existent representative political systems and public management systems are incapable of fostering, mediating and fulfilling the needs and interests of the great majority of populations;
  • that the ways of life of traditional, riverine, rural and peripheral urban communities express a Good-Living in which the multiple dimensions of existence are integrated and promote humanization in balance and harmony with the environment;
  • that the notion of heritage bears a patriarchal and patrimonial sense, incapable of encompassing the multiple directions e solidarities implied in the production and communication of culture; that conditions are given to the recognition of an inheritance that is built and shared here and now, which may be denominated as fratrimony,

Assume the following commitments:

  1. To promote the shared production of knowledge, respecting and valuing different voices, know-hows and epistemologies, ensuring the return of benefits to participating communities;
  2. To fight the different forms of silencing, deletion and invisibilization of the presence and action of women in all social, political and geographic territories, affirming an emancipatory perspective in museological praxis;
  3. To fight against the criminalization of social movements and to contribute with concrete museological actions for the defense of human rights and the rights of nature;
  4. To act in favor of the production of inclusive cultural practices, grounded on the dimension of affection and reciprocity, translated into “giving, receiving and returning” and which express themselves as fratrimony, a fraternal inheritance that built and shared here and now;
  5. Producing a museology engaged in denouncing and fighting all forms of extermination, violence and violation of rights, such as those that affect black youths, indigenous peoples, riverine, traditional and peripheral urban communities, immigrants and refugees, women, LGBTTT communities;
  6. To fight all forms of racism and discrimination in museological practices and institutions, keeping alive the flames of African, afro-brazilian, indigenous, gypsy, traditional, riverine and urban peripheral matrices;
  7. To affirm the emergence of museologies of affection, produced in encounters and reencounters, experiences and sociabilities which celebrate the potency of life and express themselves in multidimensional and solidary ways of being, doing, and knowing;
  8. To disseminate social cartography practices that recognize and incorporate museological thought the multiple languages existent in territories, overcoming dogmatic perspectives intended as universal;
  9. To work for the construction and configuration of public institutions e policies in the museological field which recognize the autonomy and favor the self-management of communities in their multiplicity;
  10. To act in favor of a school on the move, that contemplates the specificities and the full dialogue between the know-hows of the peoples of fields, forests, waters and urban peripheries, in the perspective of another society, one in which the fight for land and territory expresses itself as resistance/existence and reaches material and immaterial dimensions, connecting to memory, fratrimony and culture;
  11. To work in favor of the consolidation of solidarity and celebration networks which favor the appropriation of Social Museology by the various communities and contribute to the dissemination of free media and policies of counter-hegemonic communication;
  12. To promote spaces of meeting and coexistence that contribute to training in the sphere of Social Museology or Sociomuseology, in accordance with the principles set out here;
  13. To contribute to reflection on and strengthening of critical and social tourism practices, with respect to the autonomy and self-determination of communities, anchored in kindled memory and coherent with the accomplishment of Good Living;
  14. To reaffirm the premises emanated from the Declarations of Santiago de Chile (1972), Quebec and Oaxaca (1984), Rio (2013) and Havana (2014);
  15. Last, but not least, out Temer!

Pedro Pereira Leite

Researcher and professor. He had his PhD. on museology in 2011, with the title “Muss-amb-ike Homeland: The commitment on musicological process”, that was published in 2011. In 2012 he finishes a Post-PhD Research on "Biographical Glances: The intersubjectivity poetry on museology, at Lusófona University (Lisbon). Presently he is working in his Post PhD. Research about: “Global Heritages" with the aims to build a network on local cognizance and memory manager has a tool to build the will of action in 3 different communities, linked by past communed heritages.” He works at CES. He participates on different Research network, presented papers in national and international conferences, and had published books on research subjects.

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OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Pedro Pereira Leite (22 de Agosto de 2016). Missive of Nazaré – KINDLED MEMORY. Global Heritages. Recuperado em 17 de Janeiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/p32u

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