Notes for a Sustentabele Development

In next few days W’ill work on the issus of Sustentable Development.

This MOOC provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of sustainable development, and draws upon the most recent developments in the social, policy and physical sciences. It describes the complex interactions between the world economy and the Earth’s physical environment, and addresses issues of environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive development. We aims to achive a broad overview of the key challenges and potential solutions to achieve development in the 21st century.

We writ on the basis of lesson and up dates Professor Sachs and the MOOC staff about any important course-related information.

  1. Lecture 1: What is Sustainable Development?
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to Sustainable Development
    2. Chapter 2: Economic Growth and Progress
    3. Chapter 3: Continuing Poverty
    4. Chapter 4: Environmental Threats
    5. Chapter 5: Business As Usual Versus Sustainable Development
  2. Lecture 2: Economic Development – How We Measure It, How It Varies Around the World
    1. Chapter 1: Incomes Around the World
    2. Chapter 2: Urban/Rural Inequality
    3. Chapter 3: Income Inequality Within Countries
    4. Chapter 4: Measuring Wellbeing
    5. Chapter 5: Convergence or Divergence?
  3. Lecture 3: A Short History of Economic Development
    1. Chapter 1: Economic Development is New, Starting Around 1750
    2. Chapter 2: The Industrial Revolution Starts in England
    3. Chapter 3: The Great Waves of Technological Change
    4. Chapter 4: The Diffusion of Economic Growth
    5. Chapter 5: Economic Development Since World War II: The Making of Globalization
  4. Lecture 4: Why Did Some Countries Advance While Others Remained in Poverty?
    1. Chapter 1: The Idea of Clinical Economics
    2. Chapter 2: The Role of Physical Geography: Transport, Energy, Disease, Crops
    3. Chapter 3: The Role of Culture: Demography, Education, Gender
    4. Chapter 4: The Role of Politics
    5. Chapter 5: Which Countries Are Still Stuck in Poverty?
  5. Lecture 5: The MDGs and the End of Extreme Poverty
    1. Chapter 1: The Reasons to Believe that Extreme Poverty Can Be Ended
    2. Chapter 2: A Strategy to End Extreme Poverty in Africa
    3. Chapter 3: South Asia: The Continuing Challenge of the Food Supply
    4. Chapter 4: A Closer Look at Official Development Assistance
    5. Chapter 5:  Designing Practical Interventions: The Case of Millennium Villages
  6. Lecture 6: Growth within Planetary Boundaries
    1. Chapter 1: The Planetary Boundaries
    2. Chapter 2: Growth Dynamics
    3. Chapter 3: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Energy
    4. Chapter 4: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Food
    5. Chapter 5: Growth and Planetary Boundaries: The Case of Population
  7. Lecture 7: Human Rights and Gender Equality
    1. Chapter 1: The Ethics of Wealth, Poverty, and Inequality
    2. Chapter 2: Major UN Covenants and Declarations
    3. Chapter 3: Divided Societies
    4. Chapter 4: Forces of Widening Inequalities
    5. Chapter 5: Gender Inequity
  8. Lecture 8:  Education
    1. Chapter 1: Life-Cycle Approach to Human Development
    2. Chapter 2: Early Childhood Development
    3. Chapter 3: The Rising Returns to Education and the Supply Response
    4. Chapter 4: Social Mobility
    5. Chapter 5: The Role of Higher Education in Sustainable Development
  9. Lecture 9: Universal Health Coverage
    1. Chapter 1: The Human Right to Health
    2. Chapter 2: Poverty and Disease
    3. Chapter 3: Designing and Financing a Primary Health System in Low-Income Settings
    4. Chapter 4: Ten Recommended Steps to Health for All in the Poorest Countries
    5. Chapter 5: The Challenges of Health Coverage in High-Income Countries
  10. Lecture 10: Sustainable Food Supply and the End of Hunger
    1. Chapter 1: Malnutrition
    2. Chapter 2: Farm Systems, Ecology, and Food Security
    3. Chapter 3: How Environmental Change Threatens the Food System
    4. Chapter 4: How the Food System Threatens the Environment
    5. Chapter 5: Towards a Sustainable Global Food Supply
  11. Lecture 11: Sustainable Cities
    1. Chapter 1: The Patterns of Urbanization Around the World
    2. Chapter 2: What Makes a City Sustainable?
    3. Chapter 3: Smart Infrastructure
    4. Chapter 4: Urban Resilience
    5. Chapter 5: Planning for Sustainable Development
  12. Lecture 12: Curbing Climate Change
    1. Chapter 1: The Basic Science of Climate Change
    2. Chapter 2: Consequences
    3. Chapter 3: Mitigation
    4. Chapter 4: Adaptation
    5. Chapter 5: Mitigation Policies
  13. Lecture 13: Saving Biodiversity
    1. Chapter 1: What is Biodiversity?
    2. Chapter 2: Biodiversity Under Threat
    3. Chapter 3: Oceans and Fisheries
    4. Chapter 4: Deforestation
    5. Chapter 5: International Dynamics
  14. Lecture 14: The Proposal for Sustainable Development Goals at Rio +20
    1. Chapter 1: The Sustainable Development Goals
    2. Chapter 2: Goal-Based Development
    3. Chapter 3: Financing for Sustainable Development
    4. Chapter 4: Principles of Good Governance
    5. Chapter 5: Is Sustainable Development Feasible

Pedro Pereira Leite

Researcher and professor. He had his PhD. on museology in 2011, with the title “Muss-amb-ike Homeland: The commitment on musicological process”, that was published in 2011. In 2012 he finishes a Post-PhD Research on "Biographical Glances: The intersubjectivity poetry on museology, at Lusófona University (Lisbon). Presently he is working in his Post PhD. Research about: “Global Heritages" with the aims to build a network on local cognizance and memory manager has a tool to build the will of action in 3 different communities, linked by past communed heritages.” He works at CES. He participates on different Research network, presented papers in national and international conferences, and had published books on research subjects.

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Pedro Pereira Leite (22 de Abril de 2015). Notes for a Sustentabele Development. Global Heritages. Recuperado em 8 de Outubro de 2024 de

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