Non-Communicable Diseases X

Injuries (Road Traffic Accidents and Alcohol)

In this chapter, we will be looking at one of the major rising causes of death and disability in the world which are injuries, especially road traffic accidents and alcohol which is Frequently related to these accidents and injuries. The global burden of disability study which looked at the contribution of different diseases to death and disability in 1990 as well as in 2010 categorized diseases and causes of death and disability into three major groups. First is the grouping of communicable diseases or infectious diseases with deaths related to pregnancy, early childhood, later childhood, and nutritional conditions which often result in death or disease because of severe under-nutrition in many forms. These are generally considered diseases associated with under-developed economies and are generally expected to decrease in terms of their contribution to the global burden of disease as countries advance economically and socially. The second category is one of non-communicable diseases, which are actually diseases of mal-adapted modernity and which have been rising quite a lot as a result of countries advancing economically, urbanizing and industrializing without appropriate balancing measures to prevent unhealthy lifestyles from becoming established as a pattern in society. These two are now a major cause of concern in the 21st Century. The third category is one of injuries. These can be intentional or unintentional. Of course injuries have been found as causes of death right from times immemorial. People could have died by being mauled by a wild animal, or being thrown off a horse, or being struck by an arrow fired by an enemy. But in modern times, you find many more people dying by being mauled by a speeding truck or a car or being shot by a bullet. And as we now see injuries rising in contribution, the major categories of injuries which are rising are those related to road traffic accidents, suicides as well as homicide. And these are contributing to a rising burden which now exceeds the burden contributed by HIVAIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria put together. About 5.8 million people die each year as a result of injuries. This accounts for about 10% of the world’s deaths and is considerably more than the number of deaths resulting from some of these major infectious diseases like HIV, TB and malaria. Men are the major victims of intentional as well as unintentional injuries in a variety of forms, whether it is homicide or suicide or drowning or falls or poisoning. And of course markedly in terms of being road traffic accident victims. But women seem to be outnumbering men in terms of being victims of fire related injuries. That’s mostly because they are the ones mostly in the, cooking. In terms of the global burden, male sustained about 68% of all injury related deaths in 2010. But what is really disconcerting is the fact that many of these injuries strike young. About 40% of all deaths in the age group of 15 to 24 years were accounted for by injuries. Fifty-two percent of deaths in males, age 15 to 29 years were due to injuries. Again, like in case of many of the non-communicable diseases, a large fraction of these injury related deaths occurs in low and middle income countries. Eighty-nine percent of all injury related mortality is in these countries. South Africa has injuries as the second leading cause of death in that country. And about 95% of deaths and disability adjusted life year loss from interpersonal violence that is often due to fights or homicide. All of these occurring between people, these are found in low and middle income countries. And we know that war and conflict causes a huge number of deaths, almost exclusively in the low and middle income countries, even if the conflicts, geopolitical causes of those conflicts arise from other parts of the world. We also recognize that transportation related injuries and intentional injuries are among the leading causes of death worldwide, among the entire injury spectrum. And of these, road traffic accidents really are at the very top. And they’re rising in different parts of the world which are particularly now on the faster development trajectory. And we find that in Africa and the Middle East, the rates of road traffic accident related deaths per 100,000 population are among the highest in the world. In terms of unintentional injuries, we can actually take a large number of public health measures which have been shown to be very effective, like compulsory helmets, use of seatbelts, imposition of speed limits, improved built environments and road conditions. All of these actually help mitigate some of the disease burdens. In terms of intentional injuries we do require a fair amount of counseling from the healthcare system to people who are likely to be having suicidal intent. So treatment of depression, preventing suicidal attempts and providing psychological support systems and counseling to prevent self-harm, all of these are going to be important. Also, conflict resolution and means to prevent interpersonal violence are also part now of the public health agenda. And gun control becomes a very important area. And we now recognize that in countries with poor levels of gun control, homicidal and other interpersonal violence related injuries are very high indeed. In terms of preventing injuries, we also have to look at the response systems, particularly in terms of the emergency healthcare response. We need to look at the pre-hospital stage where for example a traffic accident victim needs to be immediately attended to by first responders, we need improved communications and provision of appropriate emergency transport. At the same time, in the hospital, we need again, a multidisciplinary trauma team to look after the person who is injured, who may have multiple injuries which might require different specialized care. But we also require to train nonprofessional caregivers to provide care when trained staff are not available. We also need rehabilitation of people who have had injuries and have survived them and a large number of people living with disabilities, post-injury need sufficient rehabilitation support now. We recognize that road traffic accidents are indeed the major preventable cause of injuries. And about 1.3 million people die on the roads every year. That is about 3,500 every day. Something like ten jumbo jets crashing every day. Now 50 million people are left with injuries, many with severe disabilities. And particularly in the young population of 10 to 24 years age, we find road traffic accidents are the single biggest cause of fatality in that young age group. We recognize that in high income countries some progress is being made by a decline in the rate of road traffic accident related death rates. But in low and middle income countries the death rates are rising. And when we look at the middle income countries in comparison with the high income countries, while the vehicular numbers are almost comparable across these two income groups, the deaths are far, far higher in the middle income group. So these are countries which are modernizing with a higher vehicular density, but are still unable to implement adequate safety measures which can bring down the road traffic accidents and the fatalities associated with it. Now half of the deaths related to road traffic accidents are unfortunately among the very vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists. That means it’s not just the car drivers and the truck drivers who die because of careless driving, but also the innocents who fall victim are the people who use the roads in other ways. Now we need to take very effective measures in, in order to control the road traffic accident related damage to health and prevent the death and disability in different settings. The five factors that can be controlled for by effective legislation. Speed of the vehicles can be controlled by speed laws. Drinking and driving has to be strictly curbed. And testing alcohol content in the breath and blood of drivers who are suspected to be driving under the influence of alcohol is a very important measure. Applying child restraints in cars prevents them from tossing around and getting injured in a speeding vehicle. And motorcycle helmets must be made mandatory everywhere to prevent head injuries. Again, seatbelts have made a great difference to the degree and number of injuries obtained during road traffic accidents. But very few countries implement all of these laws. If you take any single one of them, you find that the use of these is still limited only to some countries among the huge number of countries across the world. For example, when you look at drunk driving laws, then these are in fact applied very, in very few places. Urban speed laws are also applied in very few places. So also child restraint laws. While seatbelt laws and motorcycle helmet laws are more frequently applied, how well they’re enforced is also a big question. When we look at what are the contributory causes to some of this, drink driving comes out as one of the top causes of road traffic accidents. Now in South Africa, about 50% of those involved in road traffic accidents had elevated blood alcohol concentrations in 2001. And this is true of many rapidly urbanizing cities in low and middle income countries now. About 3.3 million people die every year due to harmful use of alcohol. In the age group of 20 to 39 years, about 25% of all deaths are attributable to alcohol. This is of course not only because of road traffic accidents, but because of the other harmful effects of alcohol as well. And we know that alcohol is the cause of cirrhosis that is a liver problem which because of alcohol gets fibrosis in the liver. Cancers which are again, attributable to alcohol particularly gastrointestinal cancers. All of these are growing problems now. But alcohol consumption, especially immoderate alcohol consumption is also associated with mental illness. And that can lead to intentional injuries, particularly alcohol provoked interpersonal conflict. Alcohol consumption, especially heavy drinking has been linked to both suicide as well as violence. And all of these can aggravate the number of injury related deaths and disability. We also know that there are huge economic costs apart from the social costs of alcohol. We have direct costs like costs for healthcare services, costs related to law enforcement, costs related to increased crime and accidents, costs related to domestic violence. Now there are indirect costs from loss of productivity, reduced output and earnings as a result of alcohol use. Absenteeism. Or even people being away from productive occupations because they’re under the influence of alcohol. Then intangible costs which are assigned to pain and suffering and poor quality of life. So given all of this, alcohol has become a major public health challenge again, not only in the context of non-communicable diseases, but in the overall context of development. Many countries have started looking at ways by which they can control the problem of excessive alcohol consumption which is deleterious to health. And taxation has been shown to be one of the very important elements by which public health can address the problem of alcohol, by raising prices and reducing the demand. And the, the taxation in different countries has been linked to the quality of alcohol, quantity of alcohol, the concentration of alcohol and so on. But taxing adequately is important as a measure. Now restricting availability of alcoholic beverages is also an important element. Not only age related restrictions but some countries have also imposed restrictions on the total amount of alcohol that can be sold to individuals over a period of time. Implementing bans on alcohol advertisements is absolutely critical. Both direct and indirect forms of alcohol advertisement and sponsorship and promotion must be banned. The other effective measures are measures against drunk driving. The word ‘drink driving’ itself is very suggestive. It suggests that it’s not the human being who is driving, it is the drink that is actually driving the vehicle when the alcohol concentration has exceeded a particular limit. So we do need to enforce that kind of legislation where we have random breath-testing and people who are driving under the influence alcohol are taken off the street and are also stripped of their licenses to drive. And strict penalties are imposed in order to inhibit such practices. We also need of course support systems by way of de-addiction counseling and other support systems, the health system as well as social support systems can provide. And all of these measures can reduce the problem of alcohol in our society and remove one of the important contributory causes to road traffic accidents.

Non-Communicable Diseases IX

Mental Health

CASH: Hello, my name is Richard Cash. I am a visiting professor at the Public Health Foundation of India and on the faculty of the Harvard School of Public Health. I am here with Dr. Vikram Patel, who is also with the Public Health Foundation of India and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. We’re here to discuss mental health issues from a global perspective. Vikram, let me ask you, why do you feel that mental health issues are such an important topic to address?

VIKRAM PATEL: Well Richard, the first thing to say is that when we talk about mental health, we’re typically actually talking about mental illness and mental disabilities. And I think for many people the word mental illness and mental disabilities tends to reflect a particular kind of, of syndrome, characterized by agitated behavior and disturbed thinking. But in fact when we talk about mental illness, we’re talking of an extremely wide range of health conditions affecting people across the life course.

Consider for example we would include conditions like autism and intellectual disability in early childhood, ADHD and anxiety disorders in middle childhood, depression and self-harm behaviors in adolescence, psychosis and substance use in adulthood and dementia in old age. And for a moment if you start thinking of this range of conditions and thinking that almost everyone in the world must know at least one person who is affected by one of these conditions, you realize that the single most important reason why these are of significance is because they’re incredibly common. They affect people everywhere, in our immediate social networks and in our populations in large numbers.

CASH: But given the commonality of these conditions, which I certainly agree with, why has mental health. Why have mental health issues not been so much a part of the major agenda of global health programs? You hear about it, you’ve heard about it more recently. But it has traditionally not been an area of broad interest and discussion.

PATEL: I think that’s a really important question. You know I think we’ve been struggling to find out why, in spite of the evidence of the large numbers of people who are affected, there is such little interest to respond to the needs of these people. And I think there are several possible explanations for this. The first is, I think we’ve had very little evidence on the impact that these conditions have on people’s daily lives. For example, we now know today that mental illnesses are amongst the leading causes of household impoverishment, that poverty and mental illness for example are natural bedfellows. People who live in conditions of poverty are more likely to develop mental illnesses. And if you have a mental illness, you’re more likely to slide into poverty. A typical vicious cycle. Another example of an impact is the impact on caregivers and family members. So we now know today that many mental illnesses are associated with the need for informal carers at home. Effectively meaning that family members have to give up work or other forms of productive employment in order to actually care for the person at home. So these are just two examples of impacts that are typically not measured by typical health metrics, in terms of for example, mortality. These are social outcomes. And today we’re beginning to recognize that the social consequences of mental illness are enormous and therefore need attention. The second kind of evidence gap, it has to be said, was that for far too long we only parroted numbers. But we couldn’t really describe solutions. And I think that has been a dramatic change in the last decade or so in which we can now talk about effective interventions, but perhaps more importantly, ways that we can deliver these interventions even in places where there are very few specialist resources.

CASH: Let me hone in on this last issue, the issue of what in fact can be done to reduce the impact of this huge number of conditions that you’ve outlined. What interventions are there that in fact can reduce the morbidity, the caretaking needs of these individuals? And I would probably add, even mortality since there’s probably a good bit of excess mortality, premature mortality associated with mental health conditions. What can we do?

PATEL: So before I go to the what-can-we-do, I’d actually like to just build on your last point about excess mortality. I completely agree with you. If one looks at the global burden of disease statistics, you will find that mental illnesses account for a relatively small fraction of years of life lost, due to premature mortality. But that’s because of a peculiar way in which years of life lost are computed. So for example, suicide is not attributed to mental illness. It counts as an independent cause of death in the injury categorization of the global burden of disease. So you’re absolutely correct. The true mortality, true estimates of mortality that could be attributed to mental illness have been underestimated historically. And if one includes suicide as well as the effects of mental illness on other chronic diseases, the risk of chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, in fact one could argue that the mortality associated with mental illness is very high. And of course you can add dementia to that list as well. So the true burden of mental illness in terms of mortality has been historically underestimated. In countries like India, we’ve shown that suicide today is the leading cause of death in young people. And in fact this is true of many countries around the world today. And if one argues that the young people of countries like India are the, are the demographic engine of these economies, then the fact that suicide is the leading cause of death in this, this demographic group must be cause of concern to the highest levels of policymakers. But let me come to your, your main question, which is really about how do we deliver these? First of all, what interventions do we have and how do we deliver, deliver them? Actually we’ve had knowledge about effective interventions, drug interventions. For example, anti-psychotic drugs for schizophrenia, psychological interventions such as for example, cognitive behavior therapy for depression and social interventions such as for example, support groups for people with alcohol abuse disorders. I just give three examples here. But the problem has been that for many people, the impression is that to deliver these interventions you need highly qualified mental health professionals, psychiatrists, psychologists and, and the like. And the reality of course in the global context is there are few of these mental health professionals in most parts of the world. So in effect there’s been a sense of nihilism, we can’t really do anything about delivering these interventions, because we don’t have the requisite human resources for them. Actually I draw a parallel with this nihilism to what we saw with HIV/AIDS and I’m ure you’ll remember. It wasn’t that long ago when people said, we couldn’t really deliver life-saving treatments in Africa because we didn’t have the human resource and medical infrastructure to deliver antiretroviral drugs. And we’ve come a long way since then. And I think in the mental health field we’ve drawn lessons from the global HIV/AIDS story and begun to apply the same sorts of health system intervention innovations and shown in fact, that as with HIV/AIDS, one can deliver effective interventions even in low resource settings by using alternative human resources and alternative ways of delivering services.

CASH: Let me return a bit to this mortality and morbidity issue that we touched on. How do you approach the situation where the individual’s mental, mental health may well affect many, many others in the community? Most diseases we look at is how it affects the individual, but in this instance as you pointed out, there are caretakers, there are others and I think it’s been shown in a number of studies that, of those individuals incarcerated in prison, very high percentage of them suffer from some form of mental illness. So that the impact of individuals with these conditions on family members and on society itself would seem to me to be rather significant and yet I don’t see how this is ever counted.

PATEL: You’re absolutely right, it isn’t counted. And even though it’s not counted, mental illnesses already are considered to be among the major causes, uh, health related causes of loss of economic growth potential in countries. If you actually counted the non-health impacts of mental illness and I think you brought up some great examples, one which we often under count is the impact of untreated mental illness on the criminal justice system. And a good example of would that be disruptive behavior disorders in adolescents and its relationship to you know offending behavior which then leads to a consequence to do with incarceration and so on. So there are many hidden costs or uncounted costs due with mental illness which I think further raise the further highlight why we need to prioritize mental health in the global health agenda. In addition to these uncounted costs is the untold society of the human rights abuses that continue to be played out every day against people with mental illness. I’d suggest to you that there is no human health condition that is associated with such systematic denial of basic human rights, basic as in for example the right to live a life in freedom, a right to live a life with dignity, without being incarcerated against your will, et cetera. I cannot think of any group of conditions that is associated with such a denial of human rights as mental illnesses. Today you will see instances of people being denied their basic rights in communities. People being chained to trees, in homes, being tied to their beds. But perhaps most tragically of all being sent to prison rather than hospital in for example, in some of the richest countries of the world as in the U.S. where prisons have become de facto mental hospitals. And finally in mental health care centers where people are often abused in a variety of ways. `So it seems to me that if one considers one of the driving forces of global health as being issues around human rights, then that potentially indicates the great importance of mental health as a global health priority.

CASH: Let me go back again and explore other possible reasons that you noted early on as to why this set of conditions may not be addressed. And that is that of stigmatization. The, the notion that mental illness, that people who are mentally ill are possessed, that they stigmatize families, that is that the very, the very notion of a person who is not following the norms of society is somehow tainted or possessed in other ways that we can’t explain. Might that also play a large role in why we are uncomfortable in touching this set of conditions? Or why we, we relegate it to other non-health elements in society that try to expunge these, these ideas and these feelings?

PATEL: Clearly stigma plays a very important role in explaining why people shun those who have mental illness, why people are uncomfortable discussing this topic and why people are reluctant to respond to the needs of people with mental illness. But equally, I should say that stigma isn’t unique to mental illness. We have seen in medical history stigma being attached to a number of health conditions. Consider for example leprosy, but also more recently HIV/AIDS, a very feared disease. And the point I, make about both of bringing physical health conditions into this discourse is that there are important lessons to be drawn from the ways that we’ve been able to address stigma against people living with HIV/AIDS or leprosy, we can learn from and apply to mental illness. And to me one of those important lessons is making effective treatments available. I think that if you make effective treatments available, close to people’s homes, in the community of primary care context as opposed to locking people away as they did with leprosy some time ago, do you remember, historically we used to lock people away with leprosy in sanatoria? We did the same thing with people with HIV/AIDS, we took them away from their homes and stuck them in prisons and other sorts of institutions. But instead today what we see with leprosy and HIV, a decentralization of care and availability of care in routine healthcare setting. And I believe that that has been a very powerful force in combating stigma. And I think the same lesson should be extended to mental illness.

CASH: So that the idea that we can actually provide care, let’s be more widely, more widely spread and people need to be better educated about this, because you’re suggesting that by having care available, people say well okay, we can do something about this. I suspect that if there was no treatment for HIV, we would not be nearly as far along as you suggest we are. That is if HIV was still the, the universal killer that it was in the late ’80s, we’d be in a different place right now.

PATEL: Yeah, absolutely. Of course. The fact that you can now live with HIV, that you can live a healthy, productive life with treatment has transformed people’s view of HIV. It’s not surprising though. So if I told you that I could with effective treatment enable recovery from say, depression or schizophrenia, it becomes a less feared condition, naturally it does.

CASH: We have tended to see, it seems to me, mental illness as an individual issue. That is, we have someone who has a condition and we treat that condition. What about looking at mental illness as a societal issue? That is, that, that the way society is structured, the way society puts values on certain things can have a major impact on both the mitigation of this and maybe even the development of medical health conditions. How do you see that particular issue, individual versus a larger population based approach?

PATEL: Yeah. So that’s a difficult question to answer because of the very heterogeneous nature of mental illnesses. And so a single answer will not apply to all conditions. So what I mean is that in the range of mental illnesses that I spoke about a little earlier, social determinants, societal influences will play a different role according to the kind of condition we’re talking about. There are some conditions that are very heavily influenced by individual vulnerabilities. And those tend to be often biological. Hallmark examples of that might be autism and schizophrenia and dementia.Then there are other conditions which are much commoner and where I believe societal factors play just as important a role as individual factors. And I think the hallmark conditions there would be things like depression, self-harm behavior, and substance use disorders. Amongst those conditions there’s no doubt in my mind that societal factors are important. I’ll give you one example. One example might be the way alcohol is perceived by a community in terms of its role as a recreational substance. There is no question that when you have a permissive attitude towards alcohol the proportion of people who will drink will be greater. It’s natural. And the more people who drink in a population just by simple epidemiological estimates you will have more people with alcohol use problems. Which is why you often find that the prevalence of alcohol use disorders tends to be higher amongst, in those communities where there is a more liberal attitude towards alcohol. That is not to say the liberal attitudes at fault, it’s simply to demonstrate how a societal influence can have an impact on the prevalence of a mental disorder. Similarly with depression, we see that the rates of depression in substance use tend to be higher in those populations in which there’s greater inequality. I think the best example of this comes from work done in OECD countries where there is a very clear relationship between the prevalence of drug use and depression and income inequality, such that the more unequal a society the higher the prevalence. Now exactly why that happens, it’s still unclear. But there is a clear observation of that association.

CASH: Given the extensive prevalence of mental health conditions, it would seem that almost every society then, even if it’s ignored by the medical establishment will have developed its own ways of dealing with this, through traditional practitioners or other approaches, religious-wise, non-religious, non-physicians, non-health people. Do you find that in fact this is the case, that there are, that there are structures, that there are elements within most of the societies in which you’ve worked and I know you’ve worked in, certainly in Europe and Africa and in South Asia and so on, that are supportive of or valuable in looking at those elements that might deal more effectively with this condition?

PATEL: So I think your question really points to a very important potential resource in every community in the world to address mental health problems and those are traditional and informal providers. I strongly endorse the role of these providers for multiple reasons. First of all, they’re just very much more numerous. Historically, people have felt comfortable going to these providers because these providers share with their local communities a common understanding of the sorts of phenomena that we associate with mental illness. So engaging traditional providers within a public health response for mental health conditions I think seems like a sensible way forward. Having said that, a couple of caveats. The first is that many traditional providers also commit fairly serious offenses of human rights. So one should not use a, a brush to sort of romanticize the whole of traditional medicine. And in fact, some of the worst abusers of human rights take place in traditional medicine. And also one shouldn’t forget that traditional medicine is expensive. It’s a private practice. And so I don’t see this as an alternative to a publicly provided primary mental healthcare system, I see it as a complimentary system with which we should establish a dialogue with, of mutual respect and insure that people with mental health problems are being well managed with adequate quality in both systems. The second thing I want to say is that, and link to the first point, is that traditional systems of medicine were also used for physical health problems. It’s not true to say that there were only for, for mental health problems. It’s not long ago when I remember when I worked in Zimbabwe that the most common treatment for HIV/AIDS used to be a whole set of traditional interventions like herbs that were used. And, and people completely rejected the biomedical approach. I’m talking of as recently as the 1990s. And I think in that sense, the same analogy could be applied to mental health, that is to say, why have people started using biomedical services in such large numbers for HIV? It is because the service is available. It’s affordable. It’s accessible. It’s of good quality. And I think the same basic principles of healthcare should also be extended to the public healthcare system. I say this only because very often I hear policymakers say, oh but in our country you know we’ve historically gone to traditional medical practitioners of mental illness, almost as a way of absolving themselves of a responsibility to develop a public mental healthcare system clear that that is not actually the right strategy.

CASH: Since most of the practitioners, be they of the allopathic system or the traditional system, are men, and yet many of the other half of the population has issues that oftentimes are unrelated to their own experience and after all, the, the care that we deliver is often related to our experience, to what we’ve gone through and, and yet there are very few women practitioners that I’m aware of, maybe more at the village level. Is this an issue and how do you address it?

PATEL: So first of all, I want to just touch on the issue of gender and mental health more broadly, as a social determinant. And I think there’s a profound interaction just as there is with poverty and mental illness. There’s a profound interaction between gender and mental illness. So for example, women who suffer from severe mental illness often are far more likely to be stigmatized and discriminated against than men. In south India for example in, in fact in India more generally, a man with mental illness is, is much more likely to get married than a woman is, because the general idea is that the wife will look after him. But there’s no opposite opportunity for the woman. Gender and, and mental illness interact in many ways. Women are much more likely to suffer depression and that’s often to do with the far greater difficulties in terms of life events that they face in their daily lives. But equally men are more likely to suffer substance use disorders. And that’s because again, of the definition of masculinity and, and, and the idea that the, the definition of masculinity included within it the idea that, that young men will get intoxicated in many parts of the world. And that makes them more vulnerable to develop substance use conditions. Now the question you asked is a somewhat different one. Should there be gender matching you know in a sense? Should women with mental health problems more likely to be able to discuss their problems with other women or vice versa? I think it’s an interesting question, I’ve often thought about that. And certainly all the work that I do with community health workers, most of our community health agents are actually women. And so it’s usually the other way around, that we look at challenges, are men more likely to be able to discuss their personal problems in their substance use problems with women community based workers? And my experience so far has been yes, it does happen, but it’s very infrequent. And it’s so infrequent that it doesn’t really justify a male worker for a male patient and a female worker for a female patient. I think it’s logistically quite complex, but also practically, I haven’t found in my experience that most men feel uncomfortable talking about their problems with a female counselor, especially if that counselor, a therapist is well-trained to deal with gender issues, which clearly must be an important part of their, of their competencies.

CASH: Vikram, we’ve spent a lot of time on talking about treatment therapy, let me look at the issue of prevention. Are there things that we can do as societies, as families that could reduce the incidence of conditions either in childhood or later on in life? The preventive aspects of mental health. DR. PATEL: So once again, I want to just remind ourselves that we’re talking about a very heterogeneous group of conditions, each which has its own etiology and life course trajectory. So a single answer will not be able to address all of them. There are some conditions which unfortunately the knowledge that we have today about etiology is extremely weak. And so therefore preventive interventions which typically would target risk factors or, or strengthen protective factors therefore have much less evidence to support their design and implementation. But there are others for which we do have much better evidence. And if I had to answer the question, what are the best buys for prevention in the mental health sector, I would start with early child development. So interventions that promote early child development and parenting interventions across childhood into adolescence to me are the best buys for preventing mental health problems both in childhood as well as in adulthood. The second best buy for me would be strengthening life skills in adolescence. Of course this is done both at home, but importantly also in schools where adolescents and children spend extended periods of their lives, but also where some of the determinants of mental illness actually take place. For example, bullying and academic pressure. So that would be my second best buy. The third best buy would be regulatory and legislative interventions that promote the rights of people with mental illness, prevent discrimination. And in the case of alcohol and suicide, where there are regulatory interventions limiting access, so for example, in the case of suicide, limiting access to lethal means, in the case of alcohol, just as with tobacco, taxation is a very cost effective preventive intervention. These would be in my view, I might have missed a couple here or there, but these would be the best buys in the prevention field.

CASH: What is being done at global level to deal with this large burden of disease? We’ve talked about sort of individual communities and so on. But is there, are there any types of global movements, global initiatives that are trying to address this problem? DR. PATEL: Yes, there are many. And in fact that’s the positive story about global mental health is that finally the evidence that has been generated over the last few decades of the burden, the effective interventions and the effective delivery methods in lower resource settings are finally having an impact. So let me give you some examples of the impacts that we’re seeing that indicate the importance that mental health is being given in global health and development. In 2013, the World Health Organization passed a resolution unanimously from all the member states for a comprehensive mental health action plan that sought to make every country commit to a set of actions that would improve access to care, promote mental health, strengthen research and governance for mental health by the year 2020. Another example would be at the national level. Countries committing new resources and new ways of thinking about addressing mental health problems. You’re seeing this mostly in the middle income countries of the world where there are more resources for health. The best examples would be the sort of mental healthcare reforms you’re seeing in countries like China, where more than 4 million people, 4 million people with serious mental illness are now registered with China’s universal mental healthcare system, which is called the 686 program and provides a community based care model for people with serious mental illness. You see similar examples in many other countries. Let’s look at another example of change which is research. There is now renewed interest in implementation research in the mental health sector. And major funders such as the NIH are committing new resources. By my back of the envelope calculation, since 2011 when we published the grand challenges in global mental health, more than $70 million U.S. dollars have now been committed for new research, to support the grand challenges in global mental health. So these are two very important examples. But I want to really finish with a third very important example which is the mobilization of people with mental illness to speak for themselves, to speak for their rights, to advocate and demand for action by governments to address their needs. And one example of that is the movement for global mental health. It’s a virtual movement. It’s a virtual platform upon which people with mental illness, professionals and policymakers can stand shoulder to shoulder, together as it were, a combined front and demand actions from government and other stakeholders to address the unmet needs of people living with mental illness worldwide.

CASH: Vikram, we talked about interventions, various strategies that countries have used and are using. Maybe you could focus your attention on low-income countries because the argument always is well we just don’t have the resources to make any significant interventions. We can’t give these drugs out. That there’s a lot of issues that impact on our ability to do anything. How do you address that issue?

PATEL: If I had to choose a single innovation or solution, it would be to empower a cadre of community based workers, using exactly the same model that many low-income countries have used to improve maternal and child health, community based workers with the requisite competencies to detect mental health problems, provide first level psycho-social interventions and refer up the healthcare system to the more specialized providers. Alongside that, mobilize people, raise awareness, et cetera. This would be the single most important innovation I would recommend. Obviously twinned with that, ensuring adequate skills in primary health centers to diagnose and deliver pharmacological treatments and making sure that a, a basic basket of cost effective drugs are available in primary healthcare would be a second important recommendation.

CASH: Vikram, I’d like to thank you very much for a very stimulating discussion on global mental health issues. I’m sure there is much we haven’t covered, but I think we’ve made a good, you have made a very good intro into this very important and up until recently, ignored aspect of human health.

Thank you. DR. PATEL: Thank you, Richard.

Non-Communicable Diseases VIII

Respiratory Illnesses

We will be talking of respiratory illnesses in this chapter. Clearly the lungs can be affected by very many conditions. Infections which are acute, infections which are long-lasting, like tuberculosis or cancers, but what we will be talking about today is one of the major forms of non-communicable disease, the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or chronic obstructive airway disease as it is called. COPD is one of the major problems affecting the health of human beings across the world. And in 2010, it was estimated that 329 million people, that�s about 4.8% of the global population were affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In 2012, it was the third leading cause of death. But these numbers too appeared to be underestimates because COPD is not often registered as a cause of death because cause of death is attributed to other things like cardiovascular and so on which may coexist or which may actually result from COPD, because congestive heart failure is not an infrequent manifestation of lung disease which then stresses the heart. Most countries don’t have national registries or good population data for the disease and therefore this disease may be even more frequent than has been estimated. But even at the level of the burden that has been now measured, 90% of the deaths occur in low and middle income countries. In 2010, it was estimated that COPD resulted in an economic loss of $2.1 trillion dollars globally, half of which was occurring in the developing world. Now if 90% of the deaths are occurring in the developing world but only 50% of the economic burden is in the developing world, that’s not because the developing world suffers less, but because the wages are estimated to be lower in terms of lost productivity losses. So the low and middle income countries do suffer hugely, both in terms of health and economy. Of this $2.1 trillion, $1.9 trillion is because of direct costs of medical care, which again is sparse in some of the developing countries. About $.2 trillion are indirect costs of missed work. Tobacco smoke is the biggest single risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, followed by exposure to air pollution, which can occur both indoor and outdoor. Of lifelong smokers, half develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, if they’re not claimed already by cancer or heart attacks. Secondhand smoke is responsible for about 20% of the disease, even in nonsmokers. So lung problems can occur in active as well as passive smokers. COPD is unfortunately not curable. The problem with COPD is that cigarette smoke or other forms of smoke destroy the small airways in the lungs. They shrink the functioning lung tissue which becomes less capable of filling air and extracting oxygen. They also denude the airways of fine hair-like structures which act like brooms to clear the mucous. And when that happens, mucous accumulates and can become the seat of infection. And treatment can slow down the progress but cannot totally reverse the damage that’s already been done on infections or respiratory failure can be the frequent problems in COPD. We also know that there are other risk factors like environmental exposures in the form of biomass fuel consumption. Now when solid fuels are burned in the kitchens for example of homes in low and middle income countries, we have smoke emanating from there and filling the lungs. About 3 billion people are exposed annually to such biomass related air pollution. Outdoor air pollution or ambient air pollution is another major cause of air pollution which can damage the lungs. In addition, there are occupational exposures to a variety of dusts. Like for example the coal dusts in so-called anthracosis or sand in so-called silicosis. All of this dust can also enter the lungs and damage the lungs. In terms of air pollution, we now recognize it as the one, the largest single environmental health risk. In 2012, seven million people died prematurely due to air pollution. And in the same year, 2.7 million of these 7 million deaths were attributable to ambient or outdoor air pollution; 4.3 million premature deaths were attributable to household air pollution. The ambient air pollution is of particular importance where there is a fair amount of pollution because of a large number of causes, particularly industrial pollution as well as transport related pollution. These pollutants contain ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter, all of which can damage the lungs and cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, apart from some of them being also cancer causing. In terms of particulate matter, this is a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles of organic and inorganic substances. And you have sulfates, nitrates, ammonia, sodium chloride, black carbon, mineral dust and water in a fairly deadly mix of pollutants which can damage the lungs very severely. But the particulate size also matters. What we call PM10, or particulate matter under the size of 10 microns, these lodge themselves deep inside the lungs and can cause cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases and lung cancer. Whereas smaller particles, less than 2.5, what we call PM2.5 can cross into the bloodstream and cause damage to the blood vessels, can also cause a variety of diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Therefore when we are looking at all of these materials, we are really concerned about the quantity as well as the size of the particulate matter. In terms of households air pollution, about 3 billion people cook with solid biomass fuels. And in low and middle income countries, this is the kitchen’s curse, where women cook with these fuels, often holding small babies in their arms or babies have, the children are playing around in the kitchen. And about 50% or more of the under-five deaths in children are due to pneumonia who are exposed to this risk factor, which is soot inhaled from the households air pollution. Women too suffer and you have diseases like pneumonia, stroke, ischemic or coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer resulting from exposure to indoor smoke from solid fuels. The countries of South Asia, India, Nepal, and others shoulder the biggest burden of households air pollution. It has been said that having an open fire in your kitchen is like burning 400 cigarettes an hour. And that is a level of pollution to which women and children in these countries are exposed when they use solid fuels in the kitchen. In terms of ambient air pollution, which is outdoor air pollution, about 16,000 cities worldwide monitor and report air pollution. But only 12% of the people living in all of these cities have air quality which meets the standards set by the World Health Organization. The most polluted cities in the world, no surprise, are in the low and middle income countries. Karachi, New Delhi, Katmandu, and Beijing are among the most polluted ones in Asia. Whereas Lima and Arequipa are among the most polluted in Latin America and Cairo in African cities. But obviously many others in these regions also have very high levels of air pollution. If you are looking at use of solid fuels for cooking, worldwide it has gone up in the last 20 years and particularly in Africa and South Asia. When we look at the health effects of air pollution, we see a number of diseases which can result. Stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, chronic as well as acute respiratory disease, including infections and a lot of childhood asthma. Childhood asthma can be provoked by multiple smoke exposures, including tobacco smoke or dust. About 80% of outdoor air pollution related deaths were due to ischemic or coronary heart disease, 14% due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 6% due to lung cancer. In 2013, the International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded that air pollution is definitely carcinogenic to humans. When it comes to particulate matter, as we have said there is absolutely no safe threshold and therefore we must try and minimize the exposure to particulate matter both in terms of quantity, size and duration of exposure. When it comes to households air pollution, we ought to make sure that we have alternative fuels because biomass cookstoves or safe cookstoves as they’ve been called, which have tried to protect people who are continuing to use solid fuels, have not had a substantial reduction in the amount of exposure to some of these potential disease causing agents. And obviously we now require better fuel which can be utilized in the form of liquid petroleum gas or a greater supply of electricity which makes it possible for women to use induction heaters. So energy security becomes a very important issue when we’re dealing with households air pollution. And it’s important for us to recognize that when we’re dealing with ambient air pollution too, if we control vehicular emissions by reducing vehicular density, that also contributes to energy security. So we are moving in public health to areas of energy security rather than just looking at air pollution as a health problem alone. When we are looking at ambient air pollution clearly we require a multisectoral approach. We do require to curb industrial emissions which are one of the major sources of ambient air pollution all over the world. We need to reduce transport related air pollution and emissions by reducing vehicular density across the crowded cities of the world. We need to reduce also construction related air pollution in countries which are rapidly expanding their cities. We need to provide more green spaces and by providing greater access to public transport which has an effect on reducing the number of vehicles on the road, we can actually curb a fair amount of air pollution. So by linking up many of these public health measures to urban design, urban transport, energy security and of course tobacco control, we can actually make a dent in what is otherwise an incurable disease.

Non-Communicable Diseases VII


Cancer is the most dreaded of all non-communicable diseases. Indeed, it’s been called the emperor of maladies. It caused about 8.2 million deaths worldwide in 2012 and is rapidly rising now to possibly cause 22 million deaths by 2030 as per projections. The low and middle income countries of Africa, Asia, Central and South America account for 60% of all annual new cancers and 70% of cancer deaths across the world. Indeed, the most common cancers are those of lung, liver, stomach, colorectal cancer, or the cancers of the large bowel and breast cancer. And these are found almost everywhere in the world. They do differ however across gender in terms of men having more of lung cancer deaths and women having more of breast cancer deaths. But even among women where smoking rates are high, now lung cancer is rapidly rising. Breast cancer among women accounts for about 23% of all new cancer cases and 14% of all cancer deaths. Whereas in men, the lung cancer accounts for about 17% of all new cancer cases and 23% of all cancer deaths. In terms of risk factors, while we do classify cancers among non-communicable diseases and cancers indeed are linked to other non-communicable diseases through common risk factors like low fruit and vegetable intake, high body mass index or overweight and obesity, that is a high percentage of body fat, lack of physical activity, tobacco use and alcohol use. There are other conditions which give rise to cancers as well, including infections. About 30% of all cancer deaths however are related to these major risk factors of non-communicable diseases and are therefore eminently modifiable and preventable. Among the very many risk factors for cancer, tobacco is the single most important one. Indeed, 20% of all cancer deaths and 70% of all lung cancer deaths are attributable to tobacco. The idea that tobacco is a deadly killer also came up from the study of lung cancer in the first place. But we now know that apart from smoke forms of tobacco, which cause cancer, even the chewed forms of tobacco can cause oral cancer. About 90% of all oral cancer deaths are due to chewed tobacco. We also know that alcohol is an important risk factor for cancers of the food pipe and also of some of the other organs in the body. So, given that alcohol and tobacco which are imminently preventable risk factors, we ought to focus a great deal of public health attention on those. But in addition we also know that cancer can be caused by viral infections. Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and the human papillomavirus which causes cancer of cervix, all of these viruses together contribute to about 20% of all cancers in low and middle income countries. Urban air pollution is an increasing cause of cancer risk and again, is becoming a problem in many developing countries. Indoor smoke from households use of solid fuels where women burn solid fuels for cooking also is a contributor to increase in cancer risk. Exposure to radiation is a major  problem whenever there is a massive radiation exposure, for example, what we found after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But even other levels of radiation, for example, those who are undergoing repeated x-rays or exposed to radiation and other forms also have an increased risk of cancer. Now we know that cancer is not only deadly but causes a huge economic loss both in terms of life years lost and in terms of the costs of treatment. It’s been estimated that about $895 billion dollars represent a loss due to cancer. And when we consider the fact that cost of reducing exposure to key risk factors like smoking, drinking, and poor diet costs only $1.8 billion dollars, there is absolutely no reason why we should not invest more in prevention rather than suffer the huge economic and health consequences of cancer that’s not been prevented. We know cost effective solutions exist. By reducing smoking, by reducing immoderate consumption of alcohol, and by promoting healthy diets we can prevent one in three cancer cases. In terms of cancer control, we ought to be looking at different types of strategies at different levels of prevention. Firstly we have what’s called primordial prevention that

is preventing the acquisition or augmentation of risk in the first place. Like for example, preventing people from taking up smoking, from becoming overweight, or consuming alcohol in huge amounts. Secondly, we also ought to be looking at primary prevention. That means people have already acquired the risk factor, like for example, smokers. They need to be encouraged to give up smoking before they run the risk of developing cancer. Similarly encouraging people to shift to healthier diets or abstain or moderate their intake of alcohol, all these come under primary prevention. Now in terms of secondary prevention, this is where screening and early detection of cancer in its early stages is very helpful, where we can prevent it from going into advanced stages, or where we can actually cure it. Now tertiary intervention is where the cancer has actually advanced and we have treated, but we are preventing recurrence and trying to insure that cancer does not become a problem again in the life course of that individual. But we also have to look at people who have reached a stage of cancer where treatment has failed. And their palliative care and end of life care become very important to make the last few months or years pain free and relatively comfortable even if cancer still is an unresolved problem. Now in terms of prevention, again, it is worth emphasizing that tobacco control remains one of the major public health interventions. Promotion of healthy diets is very important. We now know that fruit and vegetables and healthy fats are important for cancer prevention as well. And a balanced diet is probably one of the best things that we can do in order to prevent cancer. Physical activity does reduce the risk of cancer, especially that of large bowel or colorectal cancer. Exposure to sun, particularly in people who do not have much of melanin pigment in their skin can cause skin cancer and we therefore need to reduce the exposure to skin or protect ourselves against ultraviolet irradiation. At the same time prevention of exposure to viruses or treatment of those viral conditions very promptly is also helpful. Alcohol use should certainly be very moderate if at all and that again is an important measure of cancer prevention. Now in terms of detection, there are several tests that are often used in order to detect cancer early, like the pap test for cervical cancer, mammography for breast cancer, fecal occult blood test for cancer of the large bowel or the colon. And sigmoidoscopy for again, looking at colorectal cancer and prostate specific antigen for looking at prostate cancer in men. Now all of these tests are frequently employed, but we need to look at guidelines where they can be most optimally employed in the most cost effective manner. And periodically these guidelines are produced by expert groups to ensure that we pick up the…. We increase the pickup rate of cancer detection without unnecessarily undertaking extensive high cost screening in all people. Now in terms of cancer care, early detection helps us to initiate early treatment. And cancer screening is often used in order to pick up cancer in the pre-cancerous stage or in the very early stages of cancer where definitive treatments can be very useful in curing cancer and then subsequently we may have to follow with other therapy for prevention of recurrence. Therefore screening should be fairly optimally employed in order to prevent advanced cancer being the first clinical manifestation and where we can actually pick up very early on and prevent complications. It’s been clearly shown that organized screening substantially reduces the age standardized mortality of cancer death rates in populations and that is an important public health measure. In terms of treatment however, we see across the world, huge inequalities between developed and developing countries. For example, many of the developing countries have very few machines or no machines for cancer therapy in their health systems, particularly in their hospitals for treatment of cancer, when already detected. In the United States, there is one machine per 250,000 population, whereas over 20 countries, mostly African countries have no machines at all within their countries. And the existing machines are also poorly maintained or when they are available, do not have trained radiotherapists and physicists to operate them. And we do see that there is a huge variation of the number of people served by radiotherapy across different countries. Countries which have very high burden have very limited treatment coverage. We also know because of these reasons of late pickup and poor treatment, we have varied mortality rates of cancer across different countries. And these vary by national income levels. Those countries which belong to low income levels have much higher rate of mortality for any given level of incidence of cancer, whereas those in high income countries for the same level of incidence have much lower mortality. Therefore the case fatality rates are much lower in the high income countries and this is because of their health systems being much better endowed both for early detection and more effective treatment. And one of the clear-cut inequalities is demonstrated in the use of anti-cancer drugs which frequently are very expensive. And we see that whereas the burden of cancer is mostly in the low and middle income countries, for example in the African, in Asia and Latin America, the actual use of drugs is very limited in those countries. And we find that countries of the United States and Europe and Japan use a very large fraction of the anti-cancer drugs in the world just because they can afford it. At the same time, while we are trying to make anti-cancer drugs more widely available, accessible and affordable to all populations across the world, we must also recognize that those who have advanced to end stage of cancer are now suffering in many developing countries because of denial of appropriate pain relieving therapies. This is where palliative care becomes very important. It is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families when they are faced with life-threatening illness through prevention and relief of suffering by early identification and management of pain and other problems which require physical, psychosocial and spiritual approaches for their management. Indeed cancer becomes one of the largest reasons for requiring palliative care. And because we recognize that 34% of all palliative care needs globally are due to cancer, of course other chronic conditions also require palliative care when they reach an end stage. We have to particularly focus on insuring adequate pain relief and supportive therapy for cancer patients. And unfortunately, our health services which ought to be better organized for providing palliative care to the terminally ill and also providing support to the patients and their families are found wanting in this respect across many health systems. Physical, social, psychological and spiritual support of patients with a life limiting illness has to be delivered by a multidisciplinary team. Not merely doctors but nurses, physiotherapists, psychological counselors, all of them are required and Nutritionists. But unfortunately we do not have in many countries such teams easily available. Indeed many trials of early palliative care have shown that the groups that have received palliative care have done much better both in terms of quantity of life being prolonged and quality of life being much improved. But one of the main areas of palliative care and pain relief is opioid treatment. And unfortunately opioids for pain relief are not widely available in many countries or even permitted by their legal systems to be used. And therefore we see a huge discrepancy in the amount of opioids consumed for pain relief in palliative care between the United States, which consumes a very large amount per case as opposed to people in China, India, Mexico, Uganda or in Haiti. And this again is a huge inequity, if people are condemned to live in pain, this is indeed an injustice. So we really have to gear up our health systems to be much more sensitive to the issue of palliative care and pain relief of the terminally ill, especially the cancer patients who do not have much hope of cure. And therefore we require a public health approach to cancer, in terms of prevention of cancer, because much of cancer is still very much preventable, whether it is the living habits like diet, tobacco, or alcohol and physical inactivity that need to be addressed or elimination of viral infections which cause cancer cervix, or cancer of the liver, which again are very amenable to public health interventions, or early screening for effective detection of early stages of cancer or precancerous conditions so that treatments can be applied in order to cure and prevent them from proceeding to advanced stages, or in advanced stages too, providing the appropriate therapies with adequately equipped health systems and health services. And finally by providing palliative care and pain relief to all those who need it without really denying drugs to people in low and middle income countries, merely because of price related factors. All these become public health priorities and in a global scenario where cancer is becoming an increasing global threat, all of these issues need to be addressed, not merely at the national level, but as a part of a global health response.

Non-Communicable Diseases VI

Cardiovascular Disease

Heart diseases and blood vessel diseases are together known as cardiovascular disease. There are of various types. The leading cardiovascular diseases are coronary heart disease, also known as ischemic heart disease, which is because of blockages in the blood vessels of the heart, ultimately resulting in heart attacks and damage to the heart muscle and sudden cardiac deaths in some instances. Cerebral vascular disease is also called stroke or brain attack. Some of the earlier manifestations of coronary heart disease and stroke are called angina or transient ischemic attack. Also you have peripheral vascular disease which is disease of the blood vessels elsewhere in the body. Now these, the coronary heart disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease are all united by common risk factors, which cause these blood vessel blockages and the subsequent damages in the brain or in the heart. And these risk factors are high blood pressure, high blood fats, also called dyslipidemia, diabetes and its precursor impaired glucose tolerance, smoking, both active and passive, physical inactivity and there are several other risk factors also implicated, but less important. For example, genes are also frequently talked about, but they do not contribute to much of the disease variants that we see within populations or across populations. All of these factors often combine to cause serious blood vessel damage. There are other forms of heart disease like congenital heart disease which are cardiac malformations present in birth and which can manifest at different periods of life. Then you also have heart muscle disease which are basically cardiomyopathies. Then there are some diseases of the heart which are related to infections, like rheumatic heart disease which affects the heart valves but is principally because of the body’s reaction against streptococcal sore throat. And you have other forms of blood vessel disease also called aorta arthritis. But the most frequent ones which are the major killers in the world are coronary heart disease and stroke. Cardiovascular diseases are now by themselves the number one killer in the world. Indeed, according to the global burden of disease study in 2010, ischemic heart disease or coronary heart disease accounted for about 13.3% of global deaths and stroke or brain attack accounted for about 11.1%. Now if you combine coronary and cerebrovascular disease, then together their contribution to global deaths has risen from 1 out of 5 deaths in 1990 to 1 out of 4 deaths in 2010. And you have other problems also now occurring arrhythmias, or electrical disturbances of the heart are increasing, particularly with aging populations and one of the common problems that we are seeing in the elderly now is atrial fibrillation which has risen over 200% between 1990 and 2010. When we look at what the trends in cardiovascular disease death rates are across the world, then we see that in high income countries for example, the United States we find cardiovascular disease death rates are declining over the last 20 or 30 years. In fact they’ve risen sharply in the early part and mid part of the 20th Century and they started declining towards the latter part of the 20th Century and seem to be relatively on a stable decline even now. On the other hand, in developing countries like China and India and elsewhere, in Latin America, and parts of Africa, you are seeing cardiovascular mortality rates rising, particularly age standardized cardiovascular mortality rates are sharply on the rise. In China, cerebrovascular disease or stroke  is the prominent form of death. Unlike coronary heart disease is the dominant form of cardiovascular disease in Europe or in United States. This variation between coronary heart disease and stroke is happening across different parts of the world because of different stages of health transition. Now early on in health transition high blood pressure which in one of the most important risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke results in a bleeding stroke where there is bleeding into the brain from the blood vessels, called hemorrhagic stroke, or hypertensive heart failure where the heart model fails because of longstanding uncontrolled high blood pressure. However as other risk factors are added in the population, like for example increased blood lipids because of abnormal blood fats going up due to unhealthy fat intake or smoking or diabetes, the clotting tendency in the blood increases and the same uncontrolled high blood pressure now results in a clotting stroke and coronary heart disease or blockages in the blood vessels of the heart. So the differences that we see across different regions are not because of marked ethnic differences but because of different pace of progression of the epidemic in different regions of the world. Ultimately it is likely that we will see that most parts of the world will have a very high burden of coronary heart disease and thrombotic stroke. Obviously, many of the risk factors are common, both to stroke and to coronary heart disease. Though blood pressure by and large is the most important risk factor for stroke, it also has other risk factors like smoking, diabetes and abnormal blood fats. But for coronary heart disease, all of these are almost equally important. And then of course you have physical inactivity, dietary issues like reduced fruit and vegetable consumption. All of these which contribute both to coronary heart disease and also to raised blood pressure. Now raised blood pressure also can result in kidney disease. So some people look at hypertension as a disease, others would like to look at it as a risk factor. And then look at what causes high blood pressure? High salt intake, low fruit and vegetable intake, physical inactivity and so on. However way we look at it, it is very clear that high blood pressure and smoking are among the most important risk factors along with physical inactivity and unhealthy diets. And we need to act upon all of them. Now the Framingham study which started in 1948 in the United States in a small village in Massachusetts called Framingham, actually came up with the concept of risk factors and identified smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol as some of the most important risk factors for coronary heart disease. Now we know across the world from studies such as the INTERHEART which studied 52 different populations across the world that virtually all of the world has common risk factors for the heart attack. And by studying people with the first heart attack, they identified that smoking, abnormal fats, high blood pressure, diabetes, abdominal fat deposition, psychosocial risk factors, low intake of fruit and vegetables and lower levels of physical activity and variable intake of alcohol have all been responsible for 90% of the risk in populations across the world for the first heart attack. So much as we may differ in the manifestations of stroke and coronary heart disease at different stages of the epidemic, we recognize that the risk factors are fairly common across the world. And now we are also seeing new risk factors coming up in terms of their contribution being identified. For example we recognize that air pollution is an increasingly incriminated risk factor across the world. Previously this was not thought to be a problem for the heart, it was only thought to be a problem for the lungs. But now we know that air pollution can damage blood vessels everywhere in the body and can result in an increased risk of acute heart attack or even stroke. So we also have to look at other risk factors which are not conventional risk factors. For example, again, in the last 15 to 20 years we have come to recognize that low birth weight also is an important risk factor, particularly if there is a gain in weight between the ages of two and twelve in a low birth weight baby. So what we call rebound adiposity which means an increased amount of body fat at the expense of muscle can happen in such babies and this can set the stage for heart attacks and diabetes and strokes later on in life, especially in early adulthood. We now know that cardiovascular disease is the number one problem all across the world. But in terms of the economic impact, it has a very serious negative influence on developing countries because of the prematurity of deaths. As we know, most of the non-communicable diseases are killers at a younger age in the developing countries and this is true of cardiovascular disease as well. Indeed, about 80% of all cardiovascular deaths occur in the low and middle income countries and most of the premature deaths below the age of 65 years that occur because of cardiovascular disease globally are in these countries. So we have a huge loss of productivity. We have high healthcare costs. Indeed, as a cardiologist, I know that all affairs of the heart are expensive, not merely in the poetic sense. So, we now recognize that even as the epidemic advances most of the deaths in the developing countries are going to be occurring below the age of 70 years, especially below the age of 65 years. And in India for example, it has been estimated , we lost about 9.2 million potentially productive years of life because of premature cardiovascular deaths in the age group of 35 to 64 years and if the epidemic proceeds as projected, we will lose close to about 18 million potentially productive years of life in year 2030. This is 570% more than what the United States lost in the year 2000 and will be 900% more than what the U.S. will lose in that age band in terms of potential productive years by 2030. So developing countries cannot afford this hemorrhaging of human resources in midlife. When we look at what happens to individual families as well we see that many of them are pushed into poverty because they suffer catastrophic health expenditure. In China for example, about 37% of the patients who survive stroke were pushed into poverty and 62% of those without insurance went into poverty. This again brings into question not only the devastating economic effect on families, but also the whole health system issue of whether people have financial protection when they have a serious health problem, whether it’s a stroke or a heart attack. For example, in Kerala in India, we also observed that about 73% of those who survived a cardiovascular event had experienced catastrophic health expenditure. And 50% of them had distressed financing. That means they had to sell some part of their property. Forty percent of the patients who survived lost sources of income. And this again is essentially because of not only the high healthcare costs but because of lack of financial protection. So we not only need to prevent disease, but we also need to bring in universal health coverage in order to take care of people who do develop health problems. But prevention is absolutely the critical priority. And we look at both the population based strategy as well as the high risk strategy when addressing prevention through risk reduction. Now the population based strategy essentially says that the risk factor is distributed across the population. There is a rising gradient of risk at all levels of rising risk factors. So even if you have a blood pressure of 140, you are at a higher risk than a person with a blood pressure of 130 and that person is at a higher risk than a person with blood pressure of 120. So we try and bring about small shifts in the average risk factor levels of the population so that the cumulative benefits across the population are quite massive. But at the same time we try and identify individuals at a high risk, either because of a markedly elevated single risk factor or more commonly because of a combination of multiple risk factors which are modestly elevated. But together they add up to a huge amount of absolute risk. And therefore we try and focus our interventions in terms of therapy which could mean either change in living habits, of diet, giving up smoking, et cetera, or even addition of drugs in people with high risk. But bringing about changes for example in the salt consumption in a population or an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption in a population or increase in physical activity across a population can have huge benefits through population shifts and risk factors. Now even small reductions in the blood pressure, if they occur across a population can result in marked reductions in the number of strokes and heart attacks and the deaths because of those diseases across the population. It might not make much of a difference in terms of clinical management, but across the population, the benefits can be quite huge. And indeed, it has been shown by modeling studies across different countries where the risk factors as well as heart attack death rates have fallen, that more than 50% in most of the countries of the fallen death rates has been attributed to fallen risk factor levels. And less than 50% in most cases in attributable to treatments. We need both but certainly focusing on risk factor reduction through population wide strategies is absolutely a priority. And this is best illustrated by Finland, which in the early ’60s was the table leader in terms of coronary mortality across the world. And many of the people were dying young and therefore the government of Finland initiated a major study called the North Karelia Study in which a large number of behavioral shifts were brought about in the population, partly by changing the nature of the food consumption, including salt reduction in processed foods, increased production of berries instead of dairy products and so on. So a combination of policy and public education resulted over the next 20 years in a dramatic decline in the cardiovascular mortality rates in Finland, making it a sort of poster child for prevention in Europe and elsewhere in the world. And much of this could be attributed to shifts in the population levels of smoking, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Now the Finnish success story is remarkable indeed, between 1971 and 1995, cardiovascular mortality decreased in North Karelia by 73% and by example, the rest of Finland followed and across the nation, it declined by 65%. So we know great changes can be brought about by these kind of interventions at the population level. But at the same time we must recognize that poverty is a major barrier and that is where the problem is within populations of developed countries and also across populations in the low and middle income countries. We talked about the Barker hypothesis where children born malnourished are at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease in later life. And then as they grow up, poor people consume more of tobacco; they are forced to consume unhealthy diets. They have poor access to information and services. And in adult life, because they cannot access health services, onset of cardiovascular disease deprives them of appropriate healthcare, wage loss, job loss or even death, which affects their families. And in the elderly, if they’re uninsured, the high healthcare costs will have a huge out-of-pocket expenditure. We therefore need to act upon risk factors at various levels. And the important thing for us it to distinguish between how we look at risk. Most of the researchers will be looking at what’s called relative risk. That is, does a person who is exposed to a particular risk factor, what is the level of additional risk he or she has as compared to a person who is not exposed? Like a smoker versus a nonsmoker. But that does not tell you how widely prevalent that risk factor is in the population. Now if the risk factor has a high risk in terms of relative risk, but has low prevalence in the population, it does not require as energetic a policy response as a risk factor which has a modest relative risk, but is widely prevalent in the population. Smoking for example, therefore because smoking has a huge population attributable risk, because of its wide prevalence in the population, it requires a very strong policy response. Now there is also something called the absolute risk where multiple risk factors combine in an individual to raise the overall absolute risk of getting a heart attack. Therefore, you may have a person with modest elevation of blood pressure, a modest elevation of cholesterol, each of which may not carry much risk by itself at that level, but cumulatively they carry a huge risk. And particularly if you add smoking to the mix. So in terms of clinical decision-making, absolute risk becomes important. And public health also has to insure that health systems recognize the importance of absolute risk thresholds while managing patients in health system practice. So relative risk for research, absolute risk for clinical decision-making thresholds and population attributable risk for policy. All three are important instruments in public health. And if we actually look at risk factors as the major areas for intervention, we will be able to prevent cardiovascular disease across the population. Remember, today’s risk behaviors are tomorrow’s risk factors. Today’s risk factors are tomorrow’s heart attacks and strokes. So we need to promote healthy behaviors. We need to detect risk factors early and reduce them before they go on to fatal heart attacks or strokes anywhere in the world.

Non-Communicable Diseases V

Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus

Today we’ll be discussing the battle of the bulge, which is now the global public health challenge. We recognize now that overweight and obesity are becoming a major threat not only to public health, but also to global economy and to sustainable development. In  1980, about 4.8% of the men were declared to be obese. By 2008, it was 10%. And among women from 7.9% in 1980 to 14% obesity rates in 2008, again a substantial rise in a relatively short time. When we look at the world today we find that the Pacific Islands have the highest rates of obesity.

551The lowest are among the men in Congo and the women in Bangladesh. But globally it is a problem and it’s particularly visible in the United States which has the highest rates of obesity among the high income countries. In fact this is a country with the most rapid rise in the body mass index, which is the way we measure obesity, in the last 30 years. Overweight and obesity are also major health problems in a continuum. It is estimated by a metric which compares body weight with height, called the body mass index, if that index is 30 or more, then we call people obese. If it is between 25, but less than 30 we say they’re overweight. But both of these carry health risks. It has been estimated that currently we have a billion adults who are currently overweight and 475 million further are obese. It has also been estimated by the World Health Organization that in Asia we probably need lower thresholds for defining overweight and obesity for public health or clinical action. That is because at any given level of body mass index, the Asians, particularly in South Asia but elsewhere too seem to have a higher percentage of body fat and that puts them at a high risk, even at a lower level of body mass index compared to the western populations. So if you take that also into account, the number of obese adults currently is more than 600 million. And globally up to 200 million school children are either overweight or obese. This is not a problem only of high income countries. Indeed, over the years, we have seen that the number of people with overweight and obesity are rising much more sharply in the developing countries and by 2008, the numbers there have far exceeded those in the high income countries. Recently, a report by McKinsey Global Institute suggests that among the various threats to global economy in terms of economic and social burdens overweight and obesity are very high up on the list, ranking third in the list of social burdens. How did this happen? There have been several factors which have been accelerating the nutrition transition in the developing countries. Firstly there’s been a shift in the diet structure towards a high fat and refined sugar western diet. And there’s been a shift in a activity patterns with lower levels of physical activity and an increased level of sedentary habits. And all of these have contributed together to overweight and obesity. And some of this transition has been amazingly rapid. If you look at Mexico, between 1999 and 2006, the rates of overweight and obesity have markedly increased and the rate of rise of this problem has accelerated substantially, doubling in terms of its speed between 1999 and 2006. Similarly in China, over an eight year period, there was a substantial shift in the distribution of body mass index across the population to the right. That means the average body mass index was increasing and when we start applying the metrics of overweight and obesity among the Chinese adults, in the age group of 20 to 45, there was a tripling of male obesity and doubling of female obesity, all in an eight year period. And when we look at what are the factors that actually pushing this process forward we see a huge amount of marketing pressure which is pushing unhealthy foods which are obesogenic. Well nutritionists may come up with nutrition pyramids and suggest what should we eat in plenty and what in moderation and what should only be occasionally taken, but if you look at the way advertising works, most of the advertising campaign is to push the promotion of colas and other sugary drinks, chips and salted snacks, biscuits, pastries and so on and a huge variety of fast foods. The industry is very seductive in appealing to your taste and creates an addiction to unhealthy foods. High salt, high sugar and high fat foods are usually very addictive. And indeed food industry scientists say, cram as much hedonics as you can in one dish. And this condition, hyper-eating, becomes a response to the stimulus created by these foods. But the price of some of these unhealthy foods is also falling. Just as we start seeing increase in portion sizes, we also see super-sizing of foods and we see that soft drinks for example, the sugar sweetened beverages are becoming not only larger in their containers, but also falling in overall price. And soft drinks now account for 7% of all calories consumed in America. It has been estimated that if the average American drinks water instead of sugary drinks, she or he would weigh 15 pounds less. Aggressive transnational marketing of unhealthy foods also is accelerating the obesity epidemic across the world, especially in low and middle income countries. We see for example between 1989 and 2006 snack imports into the Central American countries from United States rose for a variety of snack foods, all of which were high calorie and low in nutrition. Similarly pastry, biscuit and confectionary imports as well as frozen French Fries, all of these rose markedly during this period. The way trade also acts as a major barrier for promoting health is exemplified by Samoa. Samoa started getting a large amount of turkey tail import from the United States and New Zealand after World War II. It was never a part of the Samoan diet. But now it had actually transformed the Samoan diet into an obesogenic high fat diet. And when the Samoan government decided that because of the high levels of diabetes and hypertension in Samoa as well as the huge levels of obesity with 53% of Samoans being obese, they needed to do something about the food policy. They banned the import of turkey tails in 2007. But when Samoa started entering into the WTO, the World Trade Organization said, you cannot ban turkey tails. You have to import them because that is part of the international trade rules. So this country had no option but to again, lift the ban on turkey tails, subjecting their population again, to an avalanche of unhealthy imports. Therefore we recognize that overweight and obesity are not simple problems operating at a physiological level in the individual, quite often doctors and scientists will tell you it is an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Eat less, or exercise more. But there are so many factors that are operating at the societal level. For example, what is the work environment like, the school environment like, and home environment like? Are they promoting leisure time activity or home activity or work activity? Or are they making you chair bound or addicted to the television? Those are factors that come in. There are also factors which operate at the community and locality. Is there a safe environment for pleasurable physical activity? What are the media influences like? What is the transport situation like? Is walking on the streets a health hazard because of accidents? All these factors play a role. Similarly there are national and regional factors. We just spoke of imports, but there are a number of other factors like how the health system is, how the media is responding, what is the education system talking about healthy nutrition, what are the cultural factors? All of these factors play a role and of course transport But also transnational and global factors like for example import policies as well as transnational media influences which encourage some type of new unhealthy eating patterns, greater consumption of soft drinks and so on. All of these factors need to be contended with if we have to stem this epidemic of overweight and obesity. So the causal web is fairly large, but we have to act at each step. We therefore must recognize that among the various interventions that are available, there are interventions which are directed at the individual, asking for behavior change and of course information and education, motivating change in health beliefs and behaviors are very important. But there are also interventions that operate at the nonpersonal level, at the population level, through policy nudges, by creating environmental prompts and stimuli and by providing supportive environments for behavior change. The McKinsey Institute again put together a long list of interventions and said, a majority of them are cost effective. But particularly cost effective are those which act at the subconscious level, at the population level through policy interventions, through environmental interventions, which actually nudge the individual to adopt healthy practices rather than just preaching to him or her as to how to change personal behavior. So it is this combination of interventions, particularly those which use policy and environmental reengineering by creating supportive environments which are going to be very critical as we move along the path to sustainable development. In terms of interventions, a single intervention is seldom effective. We need a composite combination of interventions. It is this multi-component intervention that is usually successful whether in tobacco or in the case of obesity and that is what we really ought to be looking at. In terms of national interventions, there have been certain steps that have been recently taken. Recognizing that sugar sweetened beverages are particularly dangerous from point of view of diabetes and obesity, Mexico, which as we said, has experienced one of the largest increases in obesity rates in the last two decades has decided to impose a 10% tax on sugar sweetened beverages in 2013. India too imposed a 5% tax on aerated sugary drinks in July 2014. Mexico also went ahead and imposed a…an 8% tax on junk foods, which again, extends the whole area beyond just cola drinks, but also into the whole area of junk foods which are also dangerous from the point of view of the epidemic. We have been so far talking about born small in size also results in certain types of obesity which are also very dangerous. A child that is born small can during the period of nutritional supplementation between 2 to 12 years can gain a lot of fat instead of muscle. It’s called rebound adiposity. Much of this fat gets deposited in the abdomen, around the liver and inside the abdominal cavity. And this can be particularly dangerous when we start looking at the effects of it, because the visceral adiposity or abdominal adiposity as it is called has great correlation with diabetes as well as certain abnormal blood fat patterns like decreased amounts of protective cholesterol, or the good cholesterol, also called HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, more likely to have high blood pressure, more likely to get heart attacks early. So this whole problem of diabetes is definitely linked overweight and obesity, but also seems rather surprisingly, linked to low birth weight with rebound adiposity. So don’t be surprised if in some of the developing countries like India you find thin individuals with overweight and with diabetes, because most of the fat is in the abdomen and even if it’s not visible elsewhere and that can also make them prone to diabetes. Indeed, if when you look at what’s happening in India, an example is of two diabetologists, one Indian and one British, who are sitting side by side in this picture and they have an identical body mass index of 22.3, which is very good by all international standards. But the Indian diabetologist has almost twice the level of percentage of body fat compared to his British counterpart at the same level of body mass index. That means he has much greater amount of body fat which predisposes him to health problems associated with visceral adiposity. So overweight and obesity are not very simple ballooning of the body. It also means what kind of fat is deposited and where it is deposited. Now in terms of diabetes, we are seeing a huge explosion of diabetes all over the world. And particularly this is happening in the developing countries, adding to the overall global burden of diabetes. And if we have to reduce the incidence of diabetes and also reduce the complications of diabetes, we have to adopt strategies which protect people from developing diabetes in the first place, but also early detection of diabetes and effective treatment so that we avoid complications like heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, or amputated limbs due to foot ulcers and so on. Unfortunately the developing countries are bearing the brunt of this. If you look at the top ten countries with diabetes, in 2011, seven of the top ten countries are low and middle income countries. By 2030, you will have eight of the low and middle income countries in the top ten league. China and India will continue to lead with huge numbers in both 2011 already happening and 2030 in the future. But if we want to prevent diabetes, we recognize again, healthy diet and physical activity are very effective interventions. In the United States the diabetes prevention program trial compared no action at all versus giving a medicine called Metformin, which is an anti-diabetic drug, versus a lifestyle intervention with regulated physical activity pattern plus a healthy diet and they tried it out in people who are likely to develop diabetes or at high risk of developing diabetes. Not yet developed diabetes, but because of family history, because of overweight and obesity or borderline blood sugars, who are deemed to be at a high risk of developing future diabetes. And when they tried all these three interventions, low and behold, lifestyle triumphed much more than medicines. Compared to the no intervention group or the placebo group, 58% decrease in the incidence of diabetes in the lifestyle group, 35% in the Metformin group. Was it an isolated result? No, it got very well confirmed with 58% reduction also in Finland and similar levels of reduction in China, also replicated in India. So we have seen across the world diet and physical activity coming up trumps in terms of effectively reducing the incidence of diabetes if properly followed. And indeed, this can also be supported by some individual interventions for reinforcement of health messages. A trial in India showed that messaging on mobile telephony, on healthy diets and physical activity in a randomized, controlled trial, it was seen that people who received the messages and followed them had substantially lower incidence of diabetes and the amount of dietary energy or calories they consumed was also lower. However, once you develop diabetes and manifest it, there is also the danger of complications if you do not control it well. Tragically, despite all the knowledge that is available about diabetes and how to treat it and what happens if you don’t treat it, there are very few persons with diabetes who are adequately controlled. And that is a problem of the health system. So how do we actually insure that diabetes is controlled? And along with that, the other risk factors like high blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, all of these are controlled because all of these cumulatively can cause a lot of damage to the blood vessels and cause heart attacks, stroke and kidney failure. It has been shown that we don’t have to always depend only on doctors to do this. For example, in Kwa-Zulu-Natal in South Africa, nurses were able to control 68% of the patients with diabetes, 82% of the patients with hypertension, 84% of the patients with asthma, and treatment adherence also substantially increased. In Iran, similar results were found with trained rural primary healthcare, community healthcare workers where the management of blood pressure as well as diabetes was substantially better once these people were trained and intervened in the community. Similar packages were also tried out through community health worker training in India and Pakistan. So one of the advances in primary healthcare is to use technology enabled primary healthcare providers for earlier detection and better management of diabetes and associated risk factors which is eminently possible, even for the under-resourced health systems of low and middle income countries. So if we really want to tackle these problems of overweight, obesity and diabetes we need dietary changes from high glycemic foods which generate high blood sugar levels in a fast time to a high fiber diet which reduces the sugar peaks and slows down the sugar release over a longer period. We need to move from unhealthy fats to healthy fats. We need to moderate our salt intake because high salt intake also can cause high blood pressure, accentuate the problems of diabetes and, and also of overweight and obesity. But now we recognize that even too low salt a diet may be sometimes problematic, so moderate salt diet should be attempted. And in most countries, already the salt intake is very high, so a reduction is perfectly in order. But at the same time we need more intake of fruit and vegetables because they contain more fiber, they contain more protective phytonutrients, but they also contain potassium which reduces the effect of dietary salt or sodium. So if we take this kind of diet and also have regular sustained physical activity, not only at leisure time, but also at work, at home, during transport, then we are much more likely to be protecting ourselves from diabetes and overweight and obesity. But this requires solutions both at the level of personal behavior and at the level of the societal environment which is supportive for healthy living choices. And that is where we ought to link that with creation of a sustainable development framework where all of these choices are available to people and we protect ourselves as well as the planet while doing so.

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Non-Communicable Diseases IV

Diet and Physical Activity-II

Nutrition requires not just diet, it also requires physical activity. Regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity, which can make use of the nutrition in an appropriate manner without excess calorie or fat accumulation in the body. Physical activity has been clearly shown to be beneficial for reducing all-cause mortality, increasing life expectancy and certainly most of it is through the cardiovascular benefits.

541It protects the heart and blood vessels. But it also protects against cancer. Some of the cancers, especially bowel cancer are much less likely to occur in people who are regularly physically active. Mental health improves in people who are physically active. Bone and joint disease is much less in people who are physically active. So physical activity has multiple health benefits. And we are really looking at particular benefits for heart disease and where we find that in terms of the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attacks, 31% of the current disability adjusted life year lost due to heart attacks is because of physical inactivity. And therefore you can derive a huge benefit of averted disease and disability if we are actually physically active on a regular basis. But the social conditions in terms of current modernity are now militating against regular physical activity. As development occurs in low and middle income countries we see people becoming more sedentary. In China for example, we have seen that occupational physical activity, domestic physical activity and travel related physical activity have declined markedly over the last 20 years, whereas there has been a slight increase in active leisure time physical activity, but that does not compensate for lack of physical activity in the other major domains. Indeed, it is a paradox of modernity that previously people used to be paid for doing physical work, now we are to pay for doing physical work by registering for a gym membership.

542And now we see that we are spending most of our time sitting at a desk or watching television and that has a price to pay. Even independent of physical activity we see that sitting or being sedentary for several hours a day has independent risk of increasing heart attacks and lowering life. So if people sit for a long time, then you’re likely to have increased risk of heart attacks. But we ought to limit that as well and start moving around. Even fidgeting in the chair is fine. This of course means that we need societal responses, not just individual behavior change. And we are seeing several factors that are actually acting as negative influences. We are seeing a shift from pre-industrial agrarian economy to industrialization, changing dietary habits and physical activity habits, profound changes in households technology with labor-saving devices and dramatic shift in leisure activities for adults and children. We ought to do some social reconditioning to counter these effects. And most of what we do will also be good for sustainable development.

543So if we look at the kind of interventions that we need, first of all we must understand the role of the market. Market is aggressively sometimes promoting unhealthy foods as well as devices which reduce leisure time activity and also the kind of avocations that actually make you a couch potato. So we ought to be able to mold the market much more effectively by increasing consumer consciousness, by providing financial incentives and disincentives, better incentives for healthy foods, disincentives for unhealthy foods and so on and alter the industry practices towards producing healthier products. In terms of policy, there has been a tremendous amount of evidence showing how policy can be remarkably effective in bringing about change. And Finland has been the poster child of prevention. It had the highest ischemic heart disease and cardiovascular mortality rates in the ’60s, but by deliberately bringing about policy change to reduce the amount of unhealthy fat intake in food products as well as altering the individual behaviors by health education, in 20 years they brought down the heart attack rates to much lower levels than elsewhere in Europe. Now we are also seeing other interventions like food labeling, reduced salt in processed food. We’re seeing ban on Trans fats and advertising restrictions, all of them being implemented in Europe and elsewhere, in United States. So there are market interventions which are sometimes needed in order to ensure that consumers are provided with healthier options. In Mauritius for example, a mere shifting of the ration oil in the public distribution system from palm oil to soy oil the healthier oil became the cheaper option and which in five years the mean plasma cholesterol concentrations in the population came down by 15%, just by changing the pricing structure.

544And similarly, in Poland, after the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a greater import of vegetable oils and withdrawal of subsidies on animal fats, along with an opportunity to import more fruit and vegetables into the country. And this within a few years brought down cardiovascular mortality rates quite dramatically in comparison with the neighboring central and eastern European countries. So this is what policy can do sometimes. And of course we have both the individual approach as well as the public health approach when it comes to behavior change.

545There are of course individual behavior change prompts that are required for people to adopt healthier practices. But we must also create a conducive environment through policies for enabling people to make and maintain healthy living choices across the lifespan. And there, urban design and planning for example becomes very important for physical activity and even for diet. Protected pedestrian paths, designated cycling lanes, community recreational spaces, integrated transport systems, reducing vehicular density and emissions, insuring traffic flow and regulation are quite smooth and also permit good physical activity, Land use and housing, Accessible food markets. Having fruit and vegetable availability closer home for example. All of these are measures which can improve not only the quality of life but certainly can improve people’s health. Quite often it is said that you know all these are matters of individual choice, why does the state have to intervene? We don’t want a nanny state telling people what to do. Whether to smoke or to, what kind of food to eat or how much to work, should be entirely a matter of individual choice. Yes, individual choices do matter. But choice can be conscious condition or compelled. A conscious choice can be on the basis of correct information or incorrect information. But choice is often conditioned by aggressive marketing and promotion by the industry for example of unhealthy foods and also the cultural factors in the community. It can also be compelled by lack of availability and affordability. If fruit and vegetables are extraordinarily expensive, if salmon is very expensive compared to beef or red meat, then clearly poor people can’t make that choice. So we ought to create conditions in which choice becomes easy for people. And that is where we need to really look at how best we can actually bring about a social environment which is conducive to healthy individual choices as well as sustainable development which enables people to lead healthy lives free from non-communicable diseases but also protect the environment at the same time. Because the determinants of non-communicable diseases and environmental degradation are very similar. The foods we eat and produce, the kind of cities we live in or pollute all of these are linked both to non-communicable diseases and the environment. So we ought to be looking at diet and physical activity, not merely as individual preoccupations, but as societal concerns. And then only we’ll be able to provide a holistic response to this major cause and contributor to non-communicable diseases.

Non-Communicable Diseases III

Diet and Physical Activity-I

Two of the most important risk factors that have been identified for non-communicable disease are diet and physical activity. Indeed, they feature very prominently among the goals set by the World Health Organization and the United Nations for reducing NCD related premature mortality. We recognize of course that the world today sees two faces of malnutrition.

531 532 533 534 535First is the huge problem of undernourishment where we find a large number of children and young women in the developing countries having low body weight or anemia or even both. At the same time we are also see a rising burden of overweight and obesity across the world. Not just in the developed countries, but also in the developing countries. Interestingly, both of these problems while perceived as quite different from each other, have a profound impact on the risk of non-communicable diseases which can arise even from underweight or overweight. The whole idea that children are born small for size and underweight are much more susceptible to adult cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some cancers was first proposed by Forstal and David Barker then in U.K. And this hypothesis known as the Barker hypothesis as acquireda great deal of evidence over the last 30 years. We know that children who are born with low birth weight, if they acquire what’s called rebound adiposity, that if they start gaining weight, even within the normal range, between the age of 2 to 12 years, especially between 2 to 6 years, they are much more likely to put on fat rather than muscle. And this is likely to result in early onset of adult diabetes, heart disease and even some cancers and reduce lung function. So we now recognize that there is a link even between under-nutrition and non-communicable disease. But when we look at the larger picture of what are the risk factors for disease and disability across the world according to the global burden of disease study and we take all diseases and all causes of death and all causes of disability into account we find that there are ten leading causes, almost all of them are related to non-communicable diseases, but the vast majority of them are related to diet and physical inactivity. Indeed, when you cluster all the risk factors responsible for death and disease which is avoidable across the world, then the diet and physical inactivity cluster is the largest cluster. So the good news is that we can actually modify much of this by altering the dietary patterns of people across the world and making them more physically active. Now when we look particularly at non-communicable diseases we recognize that apart from smoking and certain other risk factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol which of course are also related to diet and physical activity we find low intake of fruit and vegetables, high intake of unhealthy fats, low intake of nuts, low intake of fish, all of these have been recognized to be important risk factors for non-communicable diseases. And when we look at how diet can best prevent non-communicable diseases we can think of it in terms of what’s called primordial prevention. Preventing the acquisition of risk factors whether it is diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or overweight. So if you prevent it in the first place by having a healthy diet across the life course, there can be nothing better. But even when risk factors have been acquired, a person has developed high blood pressure or diabetes or overweight or high cholesterol for that matter, we can actually reduce those risk factors substantially by what’s called primary prevention, effectively using diet and physical activity. But even people who have had a heart attack or a stroke can actually get much benefit from diet and physical activity and prevent a recurrence of heart attack or early death. So whether it is primordial prevention of risk factors or primary prevention by reducing risk factors before they get into disease, or secondary prevention of preventing recurrence of events, diet and physical activity have a potent influence in protecting us against non-communicable diseases. Now clearly we are looking at various elements of nutrition. Diet is what we eat, but nutrition is what we get out of it. Unfortunately most of nutrition science so far has focused on individual nutrients and occasionally on food items. So we have been talking about either saturated fat or monounsaturated fat or trans-fat or refined carbohydrate or we have been talking about other elements like antioxidants. All of them as though they were isolated in terms of their action on health. All of these need to be taken together, not merely as nutrients or food items, but as composite dietary patterns. But even for that, let’s look at the science behind it. Among the various types of fats we have the good fats, what have been called the good fats, the omega 3 fatty acids and the unsaturated fatty acids called monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Then there are the fats which have been considered bad, the saturated fatty acids as well as dietary cholesterol. Though the current evidence suggests that this may not be entirely true. Taken in moderation, these are actually helpful for building some of the essential body structures like cell membranes and hormones and so on. But taken in excess, they can also contribute excess calories. But the real ugly fats are the trans fats, or the partially hydrogenated fats which are not naturally produced, but are usually industrially hydrogenated fatty acids. Now the industrial hydrogenation is done in order to prolong the shelf life of these fats. But anything that lengthens shelf life unfortunately shortens human life. And this is very true of Trans fatty acids where a 2% increase in energy intake from trans fatty acids is associated with a 23% increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease or heart attacks. You can’t have a worse fat than that. Now there’s been a huge amount of debate about which type of fat and how much of fat and so on. But I think there is a reasonable consensus that has been built up now which says, it is not so much the quantity of fat that matters, it is the quality of fat that matters. Quantity does matter to the extent that you don’t want to take too many calories. But within that caloric limit it is the quality of fat that is much more important. You need more of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, less of saturated fats and certainly very little or none at  all of Trans fats. And there is that kind of consensus that’s been built up. One of the problems of course has been in trying to reduce the total amount of fat in the diet. Many people have advocated the introduction of high carbohydrates as a substitute for fat. That’s been a big mistake because introduction of carbohydrates to substitute fat actually increases certain types of abnormal fat patterns in the blood and also increases the risk of diabetes. So we can actually take fat, but prefer to take healthy fats rather than unhealthy fats. We recognize of course that omega 3 fatty acids are principally derived from fish, though they can also be produced from certain other fats that we can take in from some of the vegetables as well, particularly certain types of nuts and so on. And of course flax seed and others are sources. But mainly they’re derived from fish oils. Even as we are trying to increase the amount of healthy fats, we ought to pay attention to the carbohydrates, which have assumed a lot of importance recently, not only in the causation of diabetes, or increase in overweight but also in coronary heart disease. That refined carbohydrates are particularly dangerous and we need to take a lot more fiber through unrefined carbohydrates in our diet. Indeed, what’s called the glycemic load of the food has become very important. The carbohydrates in your diet, how quickly do they release sugar and how quickly does the sugar peak? That is what’s called the glycemic load. How much of sugar is released and how quickly? And that is the glycemic load which can actually cause overweight, obesity and increase the risk of heart attacks apart from the risk of diabetes. Now this can be offset of course by taking more of fruit and vegetables. Now salt is also a major issue that has been debated considerably. We don’t want to take too much excess salt in our diet and somewhere between five to six grams appears to be the optimal as recommended by the World Health Organization. But one of the things that people don’t seem to recognize very clearly is dietary sodium, the effect of which is on blood pressure and of course on stroke and heart attacks can be substantially countered by dietary potassium, which comes through fruit and vegetables, the natural sources.Therefore if you take more fruit and vegetables you are preventing high blood pressure, you are preventing stroke, you are preventing heart attacks. You are preventing a variety of cancers. And this is now emerging as one of the very protective elements in our diet and that’s what the global burden of disease studies says, that low intake of fruit and low intake of nuts, all of these protective elements in the diet is now a major cause of disease burden, especially through non-communicable diseases. Now we recognize that taking fruit and vegetables in a fair amount, particularly more than three times a day, preferably five times a day  can substantially reduce the incidence of stroke by 27% and lower the mortality due to stroke by 42%, reduce coronary mortality that’s due to heart attacks by 24%. Reduce overall cardiovascular mortality by 27% and lower all-cause mortality by 15%. Now if a single dietary item can change the disease burden so profoundly then there are public health implications that we have to make sure there is access to it. However we ought to be really looking at dietary patterns rather than looking at individual food items. And there have been several diets that have been studied like the Mediterranean diet, which has been quite celebrated now as being very protective against heart attacks and being very good for health. The DASH diet which looks at low sodium and a balanced diet with better fats and which reduces blood pressure. Then the Okinawa diet in Japan which has been attributed to be responsible for the high longevity in those populations. Again, a strong fruit and vegetable based diet. Low in unhealthy fats, high in fish. But the Mediterranean diet for example has a composite character. It’s rich in grains, fruit, vegetables, herbs, spices, nuts, beans, dairy food, seafood and healthy oils. Now even when you’re a non-vegetarian, for example, there is a simple rule to remember, fish is better than fowl and fowl is better than flesh. And if there’s a lot of red meat consumption, you’re in danger, but on the other hand, fish consumption is protective. Now we have seen that in a major secondary prevention trial of coronary heart disease in France that the risk of a second heart attack and sudden cardiac death was substantially reduced by a modification of the Mediterranean diet. But that led to further studies on primary prevention. Can we prevent the first heart attack with the Mediterranean diet? And it has been very clearly shown that in women, and, as well as in men, that the risk of getting a heart attack can be substantially reduced at the composite nature of the diet moves towards the full Mediterranean diet. More of the elements in your diet resemble that of the Mediterranean diet, the greater the protection from a heart attack. There has been a major study called the PREDIMED trial which has actually shown very clearly in Spain that if you have the Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil, then the risk of heart attack and death actually substantially decrease and similarly we also see that if you actually add nuts, then also there is a substantial benefit. So the composite diet really matters in terms of protection. But we don’t have to borrow the Mediterranean diet everywhere in the world. What we are really aiming for is a prudent diet which resembles the Mediterranean diet but can be culturally and contextually adapted. For example, it’s been shown, even in the United States in large cohort studies that those who have a prudent pattern of diet will have a higher amount of vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, fish and poultry. On the other hand the western pattern of diet classically consists of higher red meat, processed meat, refined grains, sweets and dessert, French fries, high fat dairy products. It has been shown, again, as I said, within large American cohorts that as you move towards a higher level of prudent diet from a very low level of prudent diet, you get a 30% lower risk of getting a heart attack or a cardiovascular death. And similarly if you move to a higher pattern of western diet from a low pattern of western diet, then you get a 64% higher risk of getting a heart attack or a cardiovascular death. So the dietary pattern matters very much and in each country we ought to be able to provide the population with dietary choices which will enable them to get their culturally appropriate fruit and diet. But this is becoming increasingly difficult. We are seeing vegetable oil consumption rising across the world. Now this may not be a bad thing in terms of providing energy to populations which are poor, but if the oils are unhealthy rather than healthy oils, if they´re mostly rich in trans fats and saturated fat, then actually they’re compounding the problem by creating non-communicable disease. And that’s where we ought to insure that the oils that are available are the healthier oils. Similarly, fruit and vegetable consumption across the world is fairly low, especially in low and middle income countries. In India for example, the per capita consumption of fruit and vegetables is a 130 grams per day as opposed to the WHO recommendation of 500 grams per day. So we need to correct this situation as well. And unfortunately when we look at the global production patterns we are seeing a fall in the availability of fruit and vegetables, now from a 22% shortage of supply of fruit and vegetables as compared to the need, by 2025, we will see a 34% shortage and by 2050 we will see a 43% shortage. So when we are looking at sustainable development we ought to be able to look at how best we can produce enough fruit and vegetables to meet the population needs and protect health. At the same time we are seeing a huge explosion in meat consumption and meat production. Red meat certainly is problematic from point of view of heart disease, obesity, cancers, but it also consumes a huge amount of grain because the animals are grain fed. And that also causes environmental problems in terms of a huge release of greenhouse gases from these grain fed cattle. But we ought to be able to really look at how we can balance our dietary patterns  by looking at agricultural livestock systems so that the healthier food options are available which are also environmentally friendly, rather than unhealthy options which are bad for health and bad for environment.

Non-Communicable Diseases II

Impact of Tobacco abuse

Now I want to introduce you to the number one mass killer in the world, tobacco. In the 20th Century tobacco killed 100 million people. And this was more than all the wars of that very violent century put together. But in the 21st Century, it is estimated by the World Health Organization that tobacco could kill one billion people if we do not take measures to stop it. The problem about tobacco is that it is killing people all over the world, especially poor people.

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Even as of now, about six million people die each year because of tobacco and about 70% of them are in the developing countries. By year 2030, tobacco will be killing at least eight million people each year and about 80% of them will be in the developing countries. It is the largest preventable cause of death in the world today. Tobacco is consumed in many forms across the world, mostly in the form of cigarettes in the western world and in many of the developing countries. But there are other forms of tobacco consumption, whether it is the hand-rolled beedi in India or the shisha in the Middle East, or even oral tobacco, because tobacco is chewed in many forms in South Asia and now increasingly in Africa and the Middle East. Indeed, you would find that deaths due to oral cancer are much higher in the South Asian countries because of the habit of chewing tobacco which is now the leading form of tobacco consumption in India. Tobacco steals away about eight years of a person’s life on an average. And the British Physicians Study which first brought this to light showed that people who smoke even small numbers of cigarettes stand to lose some part of their life expectancy compared to those who do not smoke at all. And those who smoke in large quantities are likely to die much younger because of the effects of tobacco which are far reaching in terms of more than 25 diseases. You have cardiovascular diseases which are the number one killer because of tobacco, followed closely by cancers and then by respiratory diseases. And all of these serve to take people away prematurely into death or disability. But the good news is that if people stop consuming tobacco, especially before the age of 35 years, then much of this risk can be reversed. Most of the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reversed within three years. Some of the risk of cancer can continue up to 20 years. But if you want to ensure that your life expectancy is almost similar to that of a nonsmoker, better give up tobacco consumption early on, especially before 35 years where there’s a huge gain because of cessation. Tobacco steals not only health, but also steals income and an opportunity for development. For example in most households where tobacco is consumed in poor families you find that education as well as children’s nutrition suffer. In the Philippines, the poorest households were spending more on tobacco than on education, health and clothing combined. In fact about 20% of the household income in a smoker’s family was going to tobacco. And similarly in China, India and Thailand, everywhere we find that there is a developmental cost to tobacco in terms of lost educational opportunities for children, for nutrition, and many other ways in which tobacco affects household welfare. And we recognize that as tobacco is increasingly becoming a global threat, there are very many ways we can prevent the harm from tobacco and reduce the consumption of tobacco, especially among the poor and the young and the women who are being targeted by the tobacco industry. There is evidence available from a number of countries, particularly from the high income countries, but also from the low income countries that measures such as taxation, advertising bans, smoke-free policies which ensure smoke-free public places and indoor work places as well as effective health warnings, especially pictorial health warnings are very effective in reducing tobacco consumption. Indeed, in the United Kingdom in the 20-year period between 1981 and 2000, 48.1% off all deaths averted, the entire mortality reduction in the U.K., 48% of that was because of reduced smoking. You can’t have a more effective public health intervention than that. And much of this has now been codified into what’s called the MPOWER Package developed together by the World Health Organization as well as the CDC in the United States. In year 2003, about 178 countries subscribed to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which was developed by the WHO as the first public health treaty in the world. And the measures that are advocated for implementation of that treaty and which are captured in the MPOWER package are effective surveillance and monitoring, protection against secondhand smoke, that is, ban on public and indoor smoking in workplaces and cessation support, that is offer of help to quit, effective health warnings on tobacco product packaging, enforcement of comprehensive advertising bans and raising tobacco taxes. Of these, tobacco taxes have been identified both by the World Health Organization and the World Bank to be the most effective way of reducing tobacco consumption because raising taxes raises prices and those with low disposable incomes like the poor, the young, and others who have low incomes like women in many developing countries are less likely to consume tobacco or are more likely to give up tobacco if that happens And this has been shown to be quite effective in many countries. For example, in France as well as in South Africa it has been shown that if you raise tobacco prices threefold, then you halve the consumption and double the income that the government earns from tax revenue. And in the Philippines now, they have not only raised the taxes but are using 70% of that to finance universal health coverage. So much good can come not only by lowering consumption, but by also using the revenue for improving public health. Also we recognize that banning of smoking in public places and indoor work places can have tremendous health benefits. For example, it has been shown in a number of countries that if you ban smoking in public places, hospital admissions due to heart attacks come down within six months. In fact, it has been shown by combining all the data from many studies in many countries that at least 17% reduction in hospitalization due to acute heart attacks can happen. Within months, if you ban smoking in public places. So there can be tremendous benefit from some of these policies. But we also know that effective pictorial health warnings, especially showing the harm in terms of cancer, heart attacks and effects on children, small babies who are born to smoking mothers, all of these can motivate smokers to give up smoking and these health warnings are now being implemented across the world. Started in Canada, went onto Brazil, Thailand, now the European Union, United Kingdom and even in developing countries like Thailand and India, you see these pictorial warnings. But we cannot merely content ourselves by warning people against tobacco and expecting them that they would give up gradually. We have to accelerate the movement towards a tobacco-free century. And for this, we have been looking at what goals the WHO has set. And the WHO say it’s between 2010 and 2025 there should be a 30% reduction in tobacco consumption the world over. But some of the countries have been more ambitious. They’ve been looking at a 40% reduction and a 50% reduction. Some countries like Norway, New Zealand and others have said, between 2025 and 2040, they will bring down the consumption to less than 5%. They call it, the endgame for tobacco. So really we are looking at trying to accelerate the decline in tobacco consumption to levels lower than 5% when it ceases to be a norm and it is possible to regulate it away from society. So we can actually achieve a tobacco-free society by an endgame for tobacco, we just need to be more ambitious in our goals as well as more effective in our tobacco control measures. But we ought to not, not, not only look at tobacco as a threat to health; we now recognize tobacco is a threat to sustainable development. We have talked about one billion deaths like to happen in the 21st Century, but tobacco kills trees too. In order to cure tobacco leaf you have to burn wood. And for 300 cigarettes smoked anywhere someone, somewhere has killed a tree, because you have to burn wood. Also a modern cigarette manufacturing machine consumes about four miles of paper per hour because of the wrapping of cigarettes. So trees are harmed. We have air pollution because of secondhand smoke. Tobacco is a water intensive crop and can accentuate water insecurity. Four million hectares of arable land which could and should have been used for growing nutritious crops are now being wasted on a killer crop. So it’s a threat to food insecurity. Tobacco lands families in poverty because they’re consuming the resources that should have been used for economic welfare of their family on tobacco and they’re actually pushed into poverty each year because of that. So in a number of ways, tobacco is a threat to both health and sustainable development and that is why the United Nations is identifying it as an important component for action under the health goal, but also is looking at it under the sustainable development goals framework. So we recognize that tobacco is the number one public health threat as well as a major threat to economic and sustainable development in the 21st Century. If we do nothing, about one billion lives will be lost in the century because of tobacco. But if we act effectively, especially through tobacco taxes, through ban on smoking in public places and indoor work places, effective health warnings and then promote cessation among people who are already addicted to the habit, we can substantially bring down the number of deaths. And the world is now responding by not only setting goals of 30% reduction in tobacco consumption by 2030, or 2025, but is looking to a tobacco-free century by asking for an endgame for tobacco. And indeed, sustainable development in the 21st Century cannot become a reality unless we eliminate tobacco from the world within this century

Non-Communicable Diseases I

Introduction to NCDs

In this lecture we will be discussing the most important public health challenge of the 21st Century in terms of the global burden of death and disability, that is, non-communicable diseases. In September 2011, the United Nations convened a high level meeting of heads of state to discuss the response to this growing global threat. The second time ever that heads of state met to discuss a health issue under the United Nations. The first one being a meeting on HIVAIDS in 2001. This is because the four major non-communicable diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases and diabetes together account for the largest number of deaths as well as the highest burden of disability in the world. Of course there are other non-communicable diseases that are chronic diseases like for example cirrhosis of the liver or kidney diseases and of course mental health which is a very major chronic disease. And we also have other problems like oral health, or eye health, which also qualify for non-communicable diseases. But if you take these four major disorders, that is heart diseases and blood vessel diseases, cancers, respiratory diseases and diabetes, they’re linked by four common risk factors. That is, unhealthy dietary patterns, physical inactivity, tobacco and alcohol consumption. And that’s why these were clumped together in that high level meeting which the United Nations and the WHO convened. If we look at how this has become a major global threat from 57% of all deaths occurring in the world in 1990, it has grown to contribute to over 65% of deaths in the world by 2010. But that’s not the only problem.


512 513 514The problem is that a large majority of these deaths are occurring in the developing countries and are occurring in very young people. If you look at the deaths that occurred in 2008, about 60% of all deaths in the world were because of non-communicable diseases. But 80% of them occurred in the developing countries. A quarter of all NCD related deaths occurred below the age of 60 years. And 90% of them occurred in the developing countries, the low and middle income countries. So it is the question of prematurity of these deaths in the productive prime of midlife which is a major threat to development and sustainable development. And the pattern of these diseases also has been changing. In the developed countries heart attacks or ischemic heart disease and stroke or brain attacks due to blood vessel disease of the brain have been the dominant killers over the last 20-25 years and have remained so. However, in the developing countries, infections, particularly among children used to be the major cause of death in 1990, but now both stroke or brain attacks and ischemic heart disease or heart attacks have risen to the top, even among the developing countries. And this is a major threat to development. And we find that because people are dying young in the developing countries, what we call the age standardized mortality rates are much higher in the low and middle income countries. Even though, at the proportion of deaths occurring in the population, the high income countries still have NCDs as the major killer. But even the proportional mortality is rising in the developing countries and the problem of premature death continues to haunt them. And this is a major consequence for development, because we do recognize that as health transition occur, the poor among countries and the poor within countries are increasingly becoming vulnerable. This has been so in the high income countries for the last 30 years. But even in the developing countries, we are now finding that the poorer socioeconomic groups are much more affected by chronic diseases because of the risk factors are becoming much more common among them. And even deaths due to non-communicable diseases are occurring much more frequently among the poor than among the rich who now know how to protect themselves. So this is a huge directed development and sustainable development. And the economic impact of this is tremendous. NCDs by themselves have been estimated by a study of the Harvard School of Public Health to lead to a cumulative loss of $30 trillion dollars globally between 2011 and 2030. And if you add the loss due to mental illness, this loss rises to $47 trillion dollars. And many of the developing countries are going to be experiencing a serious threat to their economic and social development if we do not stem this epidemic with concerted global response. And we recognize also that this is a threat to health equity because the poor are suffering much more, because of lack of knowledge, lack of access to health services, and inability to obtain timely and efficient care. But it’s also a threat to the sustainable development because many of the determinants of NCDs are also linked to the determinants of environmental degradation. And we need to look at this as a common problem in the context of what we are attempting for sustainable development over the next 15 years. As NCDs rise year by year, between 2010 and ’25, we will see a rise of NCD related deaths by 10.5 million per year. And 9.5 million of these additional 10.5 million deaths in 2025 will be in the low and middle income countries. But fortunately we have the knowledge to act and save many of these. It has been estimated that about 37 million lives can be saved in these 15 years if we act on six risk factors of non-communicable diseases, which have been identified as targets for action by the United Nations and the World Health Organization. And if we act even more effectively on tobacco we will be able to reduce it even further in terms of the total number of deaths that can be prevented. And if we add effective treatments which are available but become, need to become more accessible, then we are likely to save even more lives. So we do have the knowledge and tools to bring about a substantial reduction in the total burden of non-communicable diseases if we act effectively. And in order to help us do that, the United Nations has now set up a goal globally for 25 by ’25, which means that we need to try and reduce the number of premature deaths in the age group of 30 to 70 years which are occurring because of non-communicable diseases, by 25% by the year 2025 compare to the baseline year of 2010. So 25 by 25 means we are preventing premature deaths by utilizing effective interventions against risk factors as well as effective treatments. So now we recognize that non-communicable diseases are the major public health challenge of this century affecting not only the developed countries, but sweeping across the low and middle income countries, where it is particularly a threat because of the age at which these diseases kill. Cardiovascular diseases or heart and blood vessel diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases are now accounting for the largest number of deaths in the world, but are also killing a large fraction of them in the developing countries below the age of 60 years. And this is a major threat to economic development, particularly in these countries and is a threat to sustainable development globally. But fortunately we also recognize that these risk factors are modifiable and many of these diseases are treatable. And in that, we can save many valuable lives through effective interventions. We know that by acting on the important modifiable risk factors like tobacco, healthy dietary patterns and alcohol consumption, we can substantially modify the projected disease burden of non-communicable diseases and by coupling it with effective treatments we can save many lives across the world. And that is why the goal of 25 by 25 which asks us to reduce premature mortality due to NCDs by 25% by the year 2025 is not unrealistic. We can do it.

Maternal and Child Health V

The Long Shadow of Childhood Undernutrition

In some of the previous chapters of this lecture, we’ve spoken of how maternal mortality and child mortality are influence also by the state of nutrition during pregnancy, prior to pregnancy and what happens to children in terms of their own nutritional status and probability of their succumbing to illness before the age of five. So we now recognize that childhood under-nutrition is a very critical element in global health. Not surprisingly it was positioned as one of the millennium development goals to be targeted for a substantial reduction in the prevalence of childhood under-nutrition across the world. Even a report as recent as the global nutrition report of 2014 lists that about two billion people are estimated to be deficient in one or more macronutrients, when we are really talking about macronutrient deficiency, we are really talking about ultimately being under-nourished due to deprivation of calories or energy. But we also now recognize that it’s not just calories or energy, it’s the quality of diet that matters in multiple ways. So we are looking at nutritionally balanced diets as well. And that is where we find the problems are probably even more than this particular estimate. We also know that about more than three billion people are afflicted globally with micronutrient deficiencies, whether it’s iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, or iodine deficiency, or a combination of all of these. When we look at the global profile of low birth weight and under-five malnutrition and look at what the magnitude is in different parts of the world in comparison to the standard, conventional, geographical atlas, the picture is really very different. Countries of south Asia, particularly India and its neighboring south Asian countries like Bangladesh and Nepal have a huge burden of under-nutrition, as do some of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Whereas in many other parts of the world, childhood under-nutrition is no longer a challenge and indeed, does not figure as a part of their own agenda for implementation of the millennium development goals. Despite all the progress that has been attained because of the millennium development goals and even to some extent the period preceding that, we have seen that there are huge disparities, even among the low and middle income countries in terms of the prevalence of underweight in childhood. While Brazil, China and Thailand have been models of great success with prevalence less than 10%. Indeed in Brazil, about 2%. In the countries of south Asia we find the picture very different. India, even in 2011 in a global nutrition report of the World Health Organization was reported to have 43% underweight below the age of five years. Bangladesh, 41% prevalence. And Nepal, 39% prevalence. Even in sub-Saharan Africa, which is better off than south Asia, there was a 28% prevalence of underweight children under the age of five. And these have profound effects. There is impaired physical growth, particularly linear growth among these children who are underweight and under-nourished. There’s a much greater susceptibility to infections, whether it is measles or respiratory infections or diarrheal diseases. Most of the infections can take a toll and even chronic infections like tuberculosis are far more often in the setting of under-nutrition. At the same time, it has an impact on cognitive and intellectual functions. The brain power of these children is substantially reduced as compared to what their potential would have been if they were well-nourished. And while it is certainly a tragedy for the child, in terms of not being able to obtain their full developmental potential, it’s also a huge problem for the countries in terms of the cumulative loss of brain power which they could have otherwise utilized for productive growth. At the same time, because education is also affected of these children because under-nourished children are sickly. They don’t learn very well. And they do not advance well to higher education; therefore their employment opportunities are also substantially decreased. They have reduced ability to participate in sports and other recreational activities and therefore their ability to really be important members of a large peer group, whether in schools or in society is also decreased over a period of time. But even more importantly this link carries on to pregnancy also. Imagine a girl child who’s under-nourished and anemic, growing on to become an anemic and rather underweight adolescent with a limited pelvic size. And when that adolescent girl then becomes pregnant soon thereafter we find that the small pelvic size also results in a small placental size that creates a problem in terms of the pregnancy outcome for the mother, but in the same time the reduced blood flow also results in under-nourished children, particularly when the baby in the womb is not able to get enough blood flow from the small placenta. So it has an impact on the mother, it has an impact on the child. And you may have maternal mortality or child mortality, particularly neonatal mortality, or you may even have a child who has been born successfully but is small size and then there is a further penalty to be paid thereafter. There are also a fair amount of negative effects on the risk of adult chronic disease like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even to some extent, some cancers. There are intergenerational effects not only between the child who becomes the mother and her own child, but sometimes these intergenerational effects can spill over to subsequent generations as well. So there is this intergenerational disadvantage of childhood under-nutrition that can carry on to subsequent generations. And we see this long shadow of childhood under-nutrition being cast into adult life when we look at the impact of rebound adiposity in a child who has been born small in size and low in birth weight, but gains in weight between the ages of two and twelve years. That doesn’t actually translate to an increased muscle mass. It translates much more into body fat, especially fat deposited in the abdomen and around the vital organs in the abdomen. And this sets the stage through metabolic programming for onset of high blood pressure, early onset of diabetes, and heart disease in, in these children as they grow into adulthood. And even in fairly early adulthood, you can find diabetes and heart attacks claiming a huge toll of health on these children. And we have evidence of this from multiple countries, but here is an example from India, from what’s called the New Delhi Birth Cohort. And this cohort that’s been followed up from birth to adult life what was determined was that while in the first two years of life the children in the lowest birth rate range were reasonably well protected against acquiring a lot of body fat, by the time they cross two years of age and started having a compensatory nutritional intake, their percentage of body fat markedly increased. And it is these children who had low birth weight under the age of two, but who had rebound adiposity or relative obesity. It was not actually obesity or overweight, it was relative obesity compared to their low birth weight in the beginning who turned out to have much higher incidence of diabetes by the time they became adults. So it was this problem that set the stage for adult diabetes. And it’s not surprising therefore to see that India, which had such a huge burden of childhood under-nutrition in the earlier pictogram, now in this pictogram also it has one of the highest burdens of diabetes in the world. So these are fairly interlinked, at least in the south Asian subcontinent. But these effects are not only limited to the life of one child or even the offspring of that child. When we look at a woman who is now pregnant and who is carrying the consequences of her own impaired nutrition from childhood, we must recognize that the female fetus that is in the womb also is having eggs which will result in her own children when she becomes a mother later on in life. And those are also affected in terms of their gene expression by the childhood under-nutrition that the mother suffered. So at least three generations are linked by this intergenerational transmission of nutritional disadvantage. And perhaps even more as we understand epigenetics, we recognize that some of these disadvantages can be carried into multiple generations. So we need insure that childhood under-nutrition is corrected, not only because we want to protect the present generation or the immediate next generation, but truly in the spirit of sustainable development we want to prevent some of these disadvantages accruing to as yet unborn generations. There are interventions that we need to adopt in order to insure that childhood under-nutrition can be successfully tackled by countries. And some of these are nutrition-sensitive interventions. They do not lie in the form of nutritional supplementations or specific nutrition related or diet related interventions, but they have a profound effect on nutrition because they impact the level of nutrition both in terms of intake as well as in terms of absorption and utilization. Water for example is absolutely important. Unless you have clean drinking water, you can get diarrheal disease and that can wash out a good part of the nutrition that has been taken in. For the same reason, sanitation and hygiene are absolutely important, because infectious diseases, because of poor sanitation and hygiene, again, can drain away much of the limited nutrition that children in low and middle income countries get. And at least 50% of under-nutrition in India has now been ascribed to lack of sanitation. In terms of agriculture and food security, that becomes absolutely important, because we do need to produce enough dietary diversity through crop diversity as well as healthy food products to ensure that every citizen has calorically adequate but also nutritionally appropriate diet at each stage of life. And therefore these systems are to become better aligned to the need of nutrition of all society but particularly from the point of view of preventing child under-nutrition which is such a crying shame. Now we need social safety nets because if there are huge income disparities and also in terms of access to diets because of poor living conditions in low income communities, then we are going to see under-nutrition being perpetuated. So we do need some social safety nets as well. We need a greater focus on early development of children. We need focus on better schooling. Again, education fosters better nutrition. At the same time, midday meal schemes in different countries are also helping to improve some of the nutritional problems, especially micronutrient deficiencies among children. And we need child protection. We need maternal and mental health to be looked at, because if the mother is mentally stressed, she cannot feel a young infant or even the growing child properly. We need women’s empowerment. Having more income and more social status and political power for women insures that children grow up much better. At the same time we need access to health and family planning services because if you have an early pregnancy in an under-nourished adolescent girl being pushed into early marriage. And of the subsequent spacing of pregnancies also is very small, you are bound to get children who are under-nourished. And that is going to have an adverse influence later on as well. So we do require a large number of nutrition sensitive interventions. But we also need to incorporate nutrition specific interventions such as insuring adequate food and nutrient intake at each stage of life as appropriate to that age. And the specific requirements which may vary based on the level of physical activity, based on whether the person is at that point in time undergoing an illness or not and so on. Now we also particularly need to focus on promotion of exclusive breastfeeding at least for the first six months of life. That is absolutely mandatory for good nutrition as well as building of the immunity of the child. And this is very critical but unfortunately not widely practiced even in low and middle income country settings where one would have considered it to be a traditional cultural norm. But it is not. And we also need to promote the right complimentary feeding practices and responsive feeding practices when the children require food. So all of these actually are built in in earlier infancy and childhood. In fact while exclusive breastfeeding is required up to six months, continual breastfeeding should be carried on as long as possible even up to two years, if it’s possible. At the same time, good feeding practices are very important in the growing child. When we talk about the catch up growth happening because of compensatory nutritional feeding, getting ultimately converted not into real good, linear growth with muscle mass, but into a lot of body fat, we must recognize that high carbohydrate diets with low physical activity may be responsible for that. So we need better diets which also are combined with rigorous physical activity in the children, which can ensure that the catch up linear growth is translating into actually a better physical stature in terms of linear growth, but also more muscle mass rather than just body fat. So we need to pay attention to what kind of food we are giving. At the same time, caregiving and parenting practices are important in the entire area of child nutrition, control of infectious diseases is critical because we said; diarrheal diseases can drain away nutrition. Other infections can also reduce the appetite, reduce the absorptive capacity. So control of those infectious diseases, even treating intestinal worms which actually make the child malnourished, that’s also very important. Now we need to look at multiple micronutrient supplementation as a possible additional element, though that cannot be the sole pathway for good nutrition. We have to depend upon natural foods for good nutrition. The use of ready-to-use therapeutic foods has been recommended, particularly in treatment of severe forms of childhood under-nutrition. This is a little controversial because it appears to be pushed sometimes by the industry. But they may have a limited space in the treatment of the severe forms of malnutrition. In terms of the impact of various programs, we have also seen success stories which we can learn from and other countries can emulate. Thailand has been a poster child for such a success. If you see what has happened in the three Southeast Asian countries of Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia, between 1980 and 1990, Thailand had a marked decrease in the prevalence of underweight children. There was a bit of a spike thereafter when all of these countries were facing economic challenges because of some of the financial crises that their country’s faced but nevertheless we noticed that Thailand’s success continues to be commendable. And this has been a feature ever since thereafter. Indonesia has shown a slower growth, but even there we are finding a considerable amount of success. Philippines on the other hand till recently hasn’t had much success, but now it’s beginning to record some gains. What succeeded in Thailand and what is it that we can learn from there? That Thailand adopted the basic minimum needs approach, which looked at some of the social determinants like housing and environment. They brought in family planning and reproductive health services. They encouraged community participation. They also utilized spiritual and ethical development as a platform for promoting healthy nutrition and good eating habits. So they combined all of this and the effective linkages between services in various sectors with community level action mediated by community mobilizers who were interfacing with families, brought nutrition from the abstract policy level into very much of the home habit. Now when you look at how the Thailand model worked, they looked at services and brought in government, NGO action into health, education, agriculture and other sectors. But they also brought in facilitators who worked with community mobilizers, provided supervision, training, information and support. And these  mobilizers acted with the families and that interface involved counseling, organizations, supplies, referral for prenatal care, child care practices, growth monitoring, supplementation of micronutrients when needed. All of this happened at the community level. And the communities also became active participants in planning, implementation and monitoring. So this has been Thailand’s prescription for a successful program which reduced childhood under-nutrition in a very short space of time. And that is where other countries can actually learn from. What we recognize now is that childhood under-nutrition is not an aberration that comes in because of poor feeding in the limited space between birth and five years of age. It is sometimes a carryover effect of poor nutrition during pregnancy. It sometimes is a carryover effect of the poor nutrition that the mother herself had as a child and as an adolescent. But we also recognize that there are factors in infancy and early childhood which again need better attention, particularly to reduce the risk of various ill health conditions which can affect the child but also trying to prevent some of the later problems of adult chronic disease. And the stage there is set between birth and two years and between two years and twelve years. We also need to look at adolescence as a very important period of life. We don’t want anemic mothers resulting from anemic adolescent girls. We want to make sure that they also have good nutrition so that they can grow up well and bear healthy children later on. Even male adolescents too require healthy nutrition rather than becoming obese or having poor nutrition otherwise. This again needs to be carried over into adult life because again, if nutrition suffers in pregnancy, the child is bound to suffer again. So the idea of building  nutrition into a life course model is absolutely critical. Even if we target childhood under-nutrition and monitor specific metrics related to childhood under-nutrition, when we plan programs and frame policies, we have to have the life course model. And we have to look up, look upon it as a multi-sectorial societal responsibility. And that is where it fits into sustainable development.

Maternal and Child Health IV

The Sexual and Reproductive Health Agenda

Maternal health shall be always a core health priority in any nation. It shall always be part and parcel of the universal health coverage, whatever the model. Indeed, MDG V also had a sub-target which espoused ensuring universal access to reproductive health as its horizon. And we still have to achieve this. Maternal mortality is an indicator of how well health systems are functioning. In well-functioning health systems, maternal mortality is extremely low, as low as less 20. Negligible.

443 And in ensuring universal coverage for mothers and women would require access to quality reproductive health services, but not just that, it would also require financial protection without which this access is not possible without impoverishment. When we move toward examining challenges post-2015, then one of the bottlenecks is the problem of poor quality and poor access to data, in the context of maternal health. Only 11 of the 75 countries have information, good enough information on maternal health indicators. And 85% of the global population lives in areas where cause of death data, as basic as the cause of death data are of poor quality and therefore one of the endeavors as we move towards post-2015 framework says, to set up maternal morbidity indicator frameworks and capacity worldwide. And such an initiative has been launched by the World Health Organization. We must remember that maternal mortality, the death of a woman related, occurring as a result of, or a complication of pregnancy is just the tip of the iceberg. For every maternal death, there are 20 to 30 other women, other pregnant women who experience acute or chronic morbidity. And this emanates from a near death that they just managed to avert. Or, non-severe obstetric complication, but can be very devastating, such as uterine prolapse or a fistulae. So we move from reduction in mortality, that’s one aspect, but we also have to take care of this part of obstetric morbidity and the near misses that continue to occur in a very large number of women, even now. sexual and reproductive health continues to need greater attention in the development agenda.451It’s a fundamental pillar of core development of a nation and a society. Unsafe sex is among the top ten causes of disability and death globally. It’s a key toward bad outcomes. And addressing this is the pathway to overall better health, overall sustainable health and sustainable communities. More than 120 million couples continue to have unmet need for contraception. More than 120 million couples. And even today 80 million pregnancies are unintended each year on the globe. This has to be addressed. We’re still far away from an optimum reproductive health scenario in the world today.

452Our efforts to intensify this and in particular to address the younger women, the adolescent girls and women and mothers in marginalized societies. Poor households, poor communities, rural or urban, has to be an important endeavor even in the post-2015 scenario. Family planning promotion has the potential to reduce poverty and hunger and avert almost a third of all maternal deaths, because the number of pregnancies comes down, the mother is able to cope with pregnancies much better. And also family planning can reduce childhood deaths by 10%. Women’s health cannot be optimally addressed without addressing the social determinants such as the status of women in the society and the level of their empowerment, education, and connectivity with the environmental sustainability. In the post-2015 frameworks an important priority for women’s health shall be addressing the problem of unsafe abortions. Each year there are 19 to 20 million unsafe abortions in the world. Almost all of them take place in countries that are low or middle income. And they are particularly so in countries with restrictive, conservative abortion laws. Very disturbingly each year there are 40,000 deaths of adolescent girls and women each year in the world who do unsafe abortions. We have the overarching picture of the abortion laws. The green color depicts liberal abortion laws where the choice is offered to the woman, to under…undertake an abortion.

453The red colors indicate those countries where the abortion laws are restricted and there are conditionalities to undergo abortion. In the second map that how appears on the screen, you would see that areas where there are restrictive abortion laws the burden of unsafe abortions is high. Thus, in Latin America and in sub-Saharan Africa, where the laws related to abortion are restrictive, conservative, the prevalence of unsafe abortions is very high. The take is that if you wish to curb unsafe abortions, the abortion laws should be liberal and pro-choice as far the women and the girls are concerned. I’d like to move toward the unfinished agenda of sexually transmitted illnesses in the context of post-2015 priorities. The STI, the sexually transmitted illnesses are the second most common cause of healthy lives lost in women after the pregnancy resolves. Our focus has been on gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and trichomonas and it remains a challenge.

454HIV is also a sexually transmitted illness and it could be put here as a part of STIs. But we also have human papillomavirus infection, herpes simplex virus infection, hepatitis B infections. And somewhat less troublesome, problems such as scabies and pubic lice that need to be addressed. You will see that the Americas in the developed parts of the world have a huge challenge of sexually transmitted illnesses. So that’s one major area is the Americas, then Asian countries are the other major hub of STIs. And this needs to be put on the high priority agenda in the post-2015 scenario. STIs have a huge impact on not only women, but also on the fetus and the child. STIs cause premature delivery, newborn deaths, birth defects, infections in children. They are contributing toward infertility in women. And they also of course are associated very importantly with rejection of the women by the families and disempowerment. STIs must be addressed optimally and among all women in the world as we move on. Then we look at other challenges in women’s health post-2015. One problem stands out very clearly and that is the issue of violence against women. Not fully understood, often hidden, but we now know from large studies and one particular one done by WHO that the prevalence of violence against women, often by the intimate partner, the husband or the partner is extremely high. Non-sexual as well as sexual violence.Sexual abuse before the age of 15 is quite significantly prevalent across nations. Across societies. At times, transactional sex is common in some regions. And pays for education among the girls. Women who experience violence lose their sexual and reproductive choices because they are forced. They lose their rights. Intimate partner violence is common cause of unintended pregnancies. And this happens in the confines of the home. Thus there are multifarious impacts of this…this problem, affecting a large number of women in the world today. And this must be addressed as a health problem, this must be addressed as a social problem. One form of violence against women is the practice of female genital mutilation, which occurs as a traditional practice in some parts of the world, particularly Africa and some Asian countries.

455Female mutilation, female circumcision has no medical benefit or value. This is an unacceptable practice. There are problems related to psychological trauma and the impact it has in future reproductive live. But there are also acute problems such as infections and hemorrhage, which can potentially kill the woman. And there is also likelihood of chronic morbidity, obstetric problems, fistulae, which can ruin the life of, of the girl, of the woman. Female genital mutilation has to be curbed in the post-2015 frameworks. If required there has to be laws against this depraving practice and if required, there has to be a major social movement to, to address this menace. We must also remember that women’s health is not just about reproductive health or pregnancy or maternal health, there is also a huge importance of mental health in the context of healthy women, healthy mothers. Suicides are among top causes of deaths in peri-natal period in the developed world. And this would happen increasingly so in developing countries as we move toward better, so-called better care. Often the conversation around the mental health is focused on post-natal depression and that’s fortunately getting new attention. But other psychiatric illnesses in peri-natal period also need to be paid attention to. So peri-natal mental health is an important emerging agenda for the global community to address. Other priorities that await focus, are the breast cancer and cervical cancer. And infertility in its own right, not only are we concerned about excess fertility, but we are also concerned about women’s choice and the families or the couple’s choice to have children. And infertility is equally devastating to individuals and families. So this is waiting attention and this should be a priority in the post-2015 agenda. My key messages in this lecture are the following. First, we have made progress in regard to reduction in maternal mortality. And we are proud of it, even though we would miss the MDG V but the, the progress made is remarkable. Maternal mortality has declined by 50% since 1990 and this is the effect of the MDG initiative. Although the current burden, as we have stated earlier is unacceptable and we need to take care of this unfinished agenda, we must always remember that 99% of all maternal deaths are really in the developing countries. It’s the agenda of the poor. It’s the agenda of the developing nations and emerging economies. Maternal health is at the heart of development agenda and it’s at the heart of our quest toward universal health coverage. As we move beyond 2015, we have to take care of the unfinished task of averting all preventable maternal deaths. But we also need to focus clearly on the near misses and the obstetric morbidity that may not result in mortality. We have a huge unfinished reproductive health agenda, huge unmet family planning and need has to be addressed. Unsafe abortions have to be tackled. These are needless deaths and needless morbidity and needless risk to the women. Sexually transmitted illnesses have to be a focus for us to eliminate them, bring them down to a negligible level in years to come. The new agendas on the table are violence against women, peri-natal mental health, and other conditions such as cancer and infertility that affect women and mothers of the world.

Maternal and Child Health III

The Global Maternal Health Scenario

We now turn our attention to global maternal health. We will examine the progress made in reducing maternal mortality and also look at the issues which will be the focus beyond 2015. 421Let me first define two terms. Maternal death and maternal mortality ratio because these two terms would be used repeatedly in this particular lecture. Maternal death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 40 days of termination of pregnancy from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management. Thus, maternal death is a death of a woman related to pregnancy and its complications. Maternal mortality ratio is defined as number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. Please note that this is a ratio where maternal deaths are the numerator and live births, babies born live after pregnancy are in the denominator. Where do we stand in regard to the status of maternal mortality? Maternal mortality has been the focus of our endeavors, worldwide. It used to be extremely high and it continues to be high, at an unacceptable level. Although we have made progress and we’ll come to that in a moment. Even today however, approximately 800 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. In 2013, 289,000 women died during and following pregnancy and childbirth. More remarkably almost all of these deaths, 99% of them occurred in developing countries. There are hardly any maternal deaths in the developed world. This is the quantum of preventable mortality among women who go through pregnancy in the natural course of their lifetime. This map shows the distribution of maternal mortality ratio in various parts of the world in the year 2013. The reds and the oranges are high MMR where are the blues and the light blues are the lower maternal mortality rates. The deepest blue is just a rate of less than 10 per 100,000 maternal mortality ratio and you can see that that color is present only in the best of the, of the developed world. The deep red is a maternal mortality ratio of 500 per 100,000 live births.

422Extremely high. Fifty times that in the blue zones that you notice. It’s also obvious from this map that the highest rates of MMR prevail in sub-Saharan Africa. Indian subcontinent and other parts of Africa are somewhere in the middle where the rates are between 200 to 300 per 100,000 live births. So the agenda of maternal mortality reduction is the agenda of poor nations of sub-Saharan Africa and relatively poor nations of Asian subcontinent. The Millennium Development Goal number V relates to improving maternal health. And its specific focus is reduction in maternal mortality. And the target of MDG V is reduction in MMR or maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters, 75% from the 1990 baseline, to 2015 as the timeline. So MDG V is about reducing maternal mortality ratio by 75%, between 1990 and 2015. Let’s see what progress has been made in the context of MDG V since 1990. Between 1990 and 2013, and 2013 is a year for which we have the most updated data, maternal mortality worldwide has dropped by 50%. So if you notice, the number of maternal deaths on the right side, 1990, 523,000 and in 2013 maternal deaths are down to 289,000. It’s about 50% reduction. If you look at the ratio, the maternal mortality ratio, it declined from 380 per 100,000 live births as we defined shortly ago, from 210 globally in the year 2013. It’s again, an outstanding reduction, close to about 50%. More importantly the MDG initiatives have been a trigger for faster reduction in maternal mortality ratio. Between the year 1990 and 2005, the average annual percent change in MMR was the reduction of 2.2% each year. And this accelerated to 1.5 times in the time period of 2005 to 2013 to 3.3%.

441There is no doubt that the political commitment, increased resources, better monitoring and better and higher scale up of effective interventions triggered by the Millennium Development Goals, has resulted in saving additional lives of mothers. However, only 10 high burden countries of the 75 will achieve the MDG V. The rest of the world and the world as a whole would unfortunately still fail to achieve MDG V. And that’s the unfinished agenda that we carry beyond 2015. But let’s look at the regional progress and inequities in maternal mortality ratio. As you would see from this graph, the global community as a whole reduced MMR from 380 to 210 between 1990 and 2013. A decline of 45%. This decline was greater in South Asia, the middle two bars, from 530 to 190. The sub-Saharan Africa, where we see the highest rates also made a significant reduction, the blue is much bigger than the red. And this decline was 48%. So there has been progress all across the world, including the tough places like the African continent and the Indian subcontinent. The progress has been uneven and this needs to be corrected. So there are inequities where we need to invest in order to make sure that there is more even progress and faster progress in time to come. When we look at the causes of maternal deaths and try to derive lessons for averting maternal deaths, something very clear emerges. Thirty-five percent, more than one-third of maternal deaths occur because of hemorrhage or bleeding, triggered by childbirth. High blood pressure, eclampsia accounts for 18% of maternal mortality. Infections, 8%. Unsafe abortion, unsafe abortions account for 9% of maternal deaths.


442This is the global scenario. How do the mothers survive the period of pregnancy and childbirth? One of the key things that we know that works is conducting delivery in safe hands. Providing care during labor and childbirth by a skilled health professional, a doctor or a nurse or a midwife. Therefore for MDG V, a key indicator is births attended by skilled health personnel. And if you look at the coverage of this, you will note that in high income countries, and even in upper middle income countries, the two bars on the right side, almost every birth is being attended by skilled personnel or skilled professionals. Every mother. On the other hand, on the extreme left, in low income countries, this proportion is less than 50%. And low and middle income countries are somewhere in the middle. You can see that further reduction in maternal mortality is related to how best we ensure that the labor and delivery is in the hands of skilled people. And, this inequity between the low income countries and the better off countries has to be bridged. This is the centerpiece of our strategies to improve maternal mortality. Skill care at delivery coupled with the emergency obstetric care which would involve emergency caesarian section and blood transfusion and manual evacuation of placenta. These interventions are at the heart of our efforts to reduce maternal mortality. Then unsafe abortion need to be addressed through legalization of abortion services and abortion as a, as a, as a domain and its acceptability in the society coupled with expertise to undertake safe abortion. These are the key approaches to addressing maternal deaths. In the context of maternal health MDG, namely the MDG V. This MDG is linked to very interestingly many other MDGs. It’s related to eradication of poverty, access to basic services. It is linked to improving the status of gender and empowering women and empowering communities. It’s linked to its impact on child mortality and child survival. The MDG IV, it is linked to universal education because educated women are less likely to, to have adverse pregnancy outcomes and maternal deaths. It’s also linked to the HIV related MDG because a part of mortality of mothers is linked to HIV. In some ways, it is at the heart of the entire MDG effort and we also view MDG V as a final common pathway and an indicator of overall development. And of course global partnerships, environmental sustainability are linked in ensuring empowerment of women, good health of mothers, and above all very, very low levels of maternal mortality.

Maternal and Child Health II

Child Health Post- 2015

Why do children die? First and foremost, about 50% of children’s deaths are related to complications that occur in newborn period. And these are preterm birth complications. Complication during the intra-partum period. We also call them as birth asphyxia, as a composite cause of death. That infections of newborn babies such as sepsis, meningitis and pneumonia and malformations, birth defects. In post-neonatal period the predominant causes are three: pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria. And they account for about a third of global child mortality burden. It’s also important to know that nutrition plays a very important part in determining the child survival. Under-nutritional state, whether in the form of wasting, stunting or low birth weight has a bearing on at least half of under-five child mortality. And we need to correct under-nutrition in a significant way to make an overall progress towards better child survival. We have well established evidence based affordable effective interventions to save lives of children. Neonatal life can be saved with good care of the mother in ante-natal period. Skilled care at birth. Skilled care in labor and at and soon after birth will save many child lives. Resuscitation of the baby who doesn’t breathe at birth. Kangaroo mother care for a small baby who needs warmth and access to breastfeeding. Antibiotics. Supportive care. Beyond the newborn period, immunization. We talked about measles, but we also have haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcal vaccine and rotavirus vaccine which avoid pneumonia and diarrhea. And if diarrhea does occur, effective treatment is possible through the use of oral rehydration solution and the zinc. And for pneumonia, if it does indeed occur, antibiotic therapy will save most children. In the recent times we have been able to package these interventions into programs. So integrated management of childhood illness combines these interventions into a package which is delivered by the health workers after training and insuring that there is a supply chain of treatments out there in the field where the babies and children are. Home based newborn care. Facility based care of sick newborns and children. These packages of services will save most lives. It must also be stated that safe water, sanitation and hygiene are also crucial in improving the health outcomes of children, particularly in preventing illnesses. And nutrition is fundamental to child survival. Exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life. Timely and appropriate introduction of complimentary food. Addressing moderate under-nutrition and addressing severe, acute malnutrition aggressively are the building blocks of a good nutrition program in a nation. If we have interventions they must reach children, women and households. If they do not reach, these interventions cannot save children. So when we examine the coverage of various interventions we find that there are gaps. For instance, breastfeeding which does so much good to children is, covered to only about 40% of the global population. Exclusive breastfeeding rates in the first six months of life at just about 40% globally. This should be 90%-plus. Oral rehydration solution should be accessible to every child with diarrhea,100% coverage. But what we have is 30%. And antibiotics for pneumonia which should be accessible to any child with pneumonia, is at the present rate is only 50% coverage. The gap amounts to deaths. And this gap has to be bridged therefore. The interventions must be taken to scale and every child should receive the intervention that he or she deserves. It’s not just about access to interventions alone. Interventions to be delivered through an efficient, and a quality mechanism. So quality of services is also extremely important. For instance if you just close the quality gap and newborn care, we can save additional two million newborn lives. So it’s not only about reaching, but reaching effectively, reaching with quality, that will lead to optimum survival of children. Access to intervention is also linked to mechanisms that connected the babies, that target children, target mothers, target infants to the intervention. In Rwanda performance based payment to community workers led to a better connect of this nature, that children accessed care and services. In Bangladesh engagement with NGOs and commercial partners led to disconnectivity of increasing access by the, the children, by the families to the live-saving interventions. And in India, conditional cash transfers to families and to health workers led to a phenomenal increase in facility births from 40% to 80% in a span of five to seven years. There are drivers of change that lead increased uptick of interventions on scale that we should learn from, adapt them, and implement them if appropriate contextually. What is the agenda of child health beyond 2015? First and foremost we still have to end all preventable child deaths. There are still too many child deaths happening, particularly among newborn babies as we stated. For this, the global community has now set 2035 as the horizon, by which time we all as a global community end all preventable child deaths. And this translates to bringing down under-five mortality rate to 20 per 1000 or less by this timeline. Just to remind you, the current rate is 46 per 1000 live births. So our endeavor is to reduce it by more than half beyond 2015 and up to 2035, a span of about two decades. Likewise, global newborn mortality rate is now targeted to be brought down to single digit by 2035. Current rate being 20 per 1000 live births. So this is the new set of goals and targets that the global community has set for itself and that’s the direction that 2015 onwards we will take as a global community. There are other priorities beyond survival for children. Over-nutrition is looming large. Too many children are becoming obese because of changes in lifestyle. In some ways the ill effects of so-called development. Diabetes, childhood cancer, childhood kidney diseases, birth defects that requires surgical corrections. And very importantly, psycho-social issues, autism, abuse and disabilities are increasingly important to be tackled even in the lesser resource settings and nations. There is also an area of insuring intact survival that is the expectation of the society of today. There’s another important area which is calling for attention, now and beyond 2015. And this is the domain of developmental origins of health and disease. We now know very well that the physiology prevailing in fetal life, distresses and the well-being as fetus has a profound implication in regard to growth, development, health, ill health, abnormal physiology in adolescence and adulthood. The nine months within the womb of the mother have profound programming that determines how the life goals of individual is as an adult. We now know very clearly that if the fetus is constrained, restricted in growth and in terms of well-being in utero, that this baby is predisposed to obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes and so on. So we have an interesting situation here that we have a baby who was deprived in utero. If he survives, comes out as a small baby. And then if he does well and moves into adulthood, he has a second jeopardy and that is the risk of diseases such as the heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, stroke and so on. Can this be modified? Can this be changed? Can this be averted? That babies not only are healthy in utero, not only they are healthy as fetuses, but also as children, also as adult. This is a Holy Grail in child health and adult health in…and in the context of non-communicable disease today. And post-2015, as it is now, this will be a major area of attention for all of us by way of research, by way of intervention design and by way of scaling up these interventions to, to avert this catastrophic pathway that you…that we now know operates in a very significant way in our lives. Health we believe is a driver of development. And that’s at the heart of the global and the national agendas beyond 2015. But healthy children of today are healthy adults of tomorrow. So if adults will drive development, then they have to be healthy. And healthy adults, the beginning is made by being healthy children. So beyond 2015, we have one part of the agenda of ending preventable deaths. And in this context we have summarized the, the…the trend and the situation by making a statement that child mortality has been halved since 1990. Further progress is linked to acceleration in newborn survival in particular and we offered reasons for it. Universal coverage of interventions with quality is the key to end preventable child mortality that stands today. Birth defects will need attention. Their prevention and correction should be a priority. As we move beyond survival, in post-MDG IV scenario we have to ensure that babies not only survive, but they’re intact in terms of their potential for growth and in terms of their neuro-development abilities. Childhood disability, autism, neuro-developmental problems will be an important priority in this period. Under-nutrition will continue to plague us for quite some time, but we now have an epidemic of over-nutrition in children looming large. And we need to apply our attention to both these areas of nutrition. Chronic pediatric diseases such as cancer and systemic iseases will require attention. And a huge effort will be required to find ways of insuring that fetal origins of adult disease could be averted or could be modified. So that children who survive the fetal life and early neonatal life eventually do…do not pick up non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. And this would be a very major challenge that we will have to put our heads together to energize the science and epidemiology and operations research to, to tackle this emerging area of a huge problem which will be a very important focus post-2015.

Maternal and Child Health I

Trends and Progress in Child Health

In this lecture we shall examine the trends in child survival and look at the priorities beyond 2015. The Millennium Development Goal IV relates to reducing child mortality. And the indicator for child mortality is the under-five mortality rate which is the number of deaths under the age of five per 1000 live births. So the target for MDG IV is to reduce by two-thirds the level of under-five mortality rate between the year 1990 as the base and 2015 as the timeline.


This is MDG IV which has triggered a great deal of action in saving children. And we made remarkable progress in reducing child deaths in recent times. Although the challenge continues to be huge, but there are successes that we can celebrate. Under-five deaths worldwide have declined by 50%.They have been halved between the year 1990 and the year 2013. In the year 1990 there were 12.7 million under-five child deaths. And this number now stands at 6.3 million in the year 2013. And we must be proud to, to appreciate the fact that despite population growth, there are 17,000 fewer children dying every day in today’s time.

But the other side of the challenge is that another 17,000 children under the age of five continue to die every day till this date. When we examine the progress in the context of MDG IV we also note that there are huge inequalities. Most child deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Children from poor families are twice as likely to die as those from rich families. And social determinants such as mothers’ education influence child mortality in a very, very big way. And diarrhea and pneumonia, two causes of child death which are eminently amenable to prevention and treatment continue to kill as many as two million under-five children in the world today.


Let’s examine the effect of the Millennium Development Goals on child mortality, which is truly phenomenal because global under-five mortality rate is falling faster than at any other time in the history of humankind during the last two decades. Since the year 1990, the under-five mortality rate worldwide has dropped by 49%. There were 90 deaths per 1000 live births in 1990 which is down to 46 per 1000 live births in the year 2013. And all regions except sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania have reduced the under-five mortality rate by 52% or more.

That’s very remarkable. And if you examine the global annual rate of decline in under-five mortality rate it is notable that there has been more than tripling in the annual rate of reduction in the under-five mortality rate. It was 1.2% annual decline between 1990 and ’95. It has now risen to 4% decline in the time segment of 2005 to 2013. And this has happened because the Millennium Development Goals triggered political commitment, greater resources for child health enabling research and evidence and above all a monitoring framework which drove action.413

We can see in this graph that there has been progress post-MDG in reduction in child mortality in all the regions of the world. But overall, despite these gains we as a global community shall not be able to reach the intended MDG IV goal. Only eight of the 60 burden countries would achieve the MDG IV goal in 2015 and that’s the unfinished agenda which will be now carried over to post-2015 scenario. This picture shows the distribution of under-five mortality rate worldwide. The blues are the regions with low under-five mortality rate, typically below 20. And the orange and red indicate areas where under-five mortality rate is very high. The red indeed is an under-five mortality rate of 100 per 1000 live births which is extremely high. You would see that globally areas with high under-five mortality rate are located in sub-Saharan Africa. And then there are intermediate areas in South Asia, the India subcontinent and parts of Africa. And the developed nations have much lower under-five mortality rate as you would expect. It’s also important to know that about half of under-five deaths occur in just five countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, DR Congo and China. And India and Nigeria put together account for one-third of the entire global burden. Clearly in order to address the unfinished agenda of child mortality there has to be a focus in five nations and in particular, India and Nigeria. It must be stated that immunization has had a vital role in bringing down child mortality in recent times.

414It’s estimated that since 2000 measles vaccine alone has averted as many as 14 million under-five child deaths. There is an important issue within the child health survival paradigm and that relates to the complexity of tackling neonatal mortality. Neonatal period is the period of infancy less than 28 days of life. The first four weeks of life are the newborn period or neonatal period. Neonatal mortality is the number of deaths per 1000 live births in the first four weeks of life. And this as you would note is a part of the overall under-five mortality as a sub-segment of that. Now neonatal mortality is tougher to tackle because it is influenced a great deal by maternal health and the care that the mother and the baby receive at childbirth,which is quite different from the care that is required for a child with diarrhea or pneumonia. Neonatal mortality has also declined in all parts of the world, as is obvious on this graph. The neonatal mortality rate in the year 1990 was 33 per 1000 live births, which is down to 20 in the year 2013. The absolute number of newborn deaths in the year 1990 was 4.7 million. It’s down to 2.8 million. That’s remarkable. So we have made progress in this regard. However when we see the progress in neonatal period vis-a-vis progress in reducing mortality after the neonatal period, the post-neonatal period something very significant stands out. That the progress in post-neonatal mortality reduction has been more remarkable, faster than that in the neonatal period. So it’s notable that the decline in neonatal mortality is lower than that in post-natal period. That means we have made less progress in reducing deaths occurring in the first four weeks of life. And that is therefore important for us to focus on as we move beyond 2015 agenda. We also note an epidemiological phenomenon that neonatal mortality component of under-five mortality has risen with time. Therefore future progress in child survival is linked to our progress in saving lives of infants in the earliest period of life, which is the riskiest period in humankind.